*We open in Central Park. The Boys walk up to the frozen lake, all five with ice skates over their shoulders. However, four of the five are smiling... the fifth is eyeing the ice like it might bite him.*

Sach: This is gonna be so much fun! I love ice skatin'! (He twirls around) You think I could do one of them fancy moves, like the figure skaters on TV do? (He ends up slipping and landing on his rear in the snow.)

Butch: I'm glad it's cold enough for the lake to freeze now. I used to love skatin' when my family lived in Kansas.

Whitey: *Laughs as he helps Sach up* We can practice!

Sach: (Turns to Slip) Ain't this great! (Sniffs) Smell that cold air! It's all piney!

Slip: Yeah, it's nice.

Sach: You don't sound too happy, Chief. You sick or somethin'?

Butch: Arm botherin' ya?

Slip: No...

Chuck: Slip...

Sach: (He plops on a bench by the lake and pulls on his skates) I'm gonna do one of those fancy kow-chow twirl jump things!

Butch: You'll probably land on your rear. (Puts on his skates)

Whitey: I wanna do a crack the whip!

Sach: Yeah! I get to be on the end! They go the farthest!

Chuck: *Stops next to Slip and mutters* Why don't you tell them? They won't care.

Slip: *Shrugs; mutters* Cuz they wanna skate. Just cuz I can't doesn't mean you an' they can't.

Chuck: Well, you've already got them wondering.

Slip: So let 'em wonder.

Sach: Hey Chiefy, gonna join our Crack the Whip?

Slip: I'm gonna sit out. You guys go on.

Chuck: *Sighs* I gotta put my skates on. *goes over to the bench to put them on*

Sach: (Frowns) But Chief, it won't be any fun without you!

Butch: Yeah!

Sach: Aw, come on, Chiefy! It won't hurt!

Slip: You guys go on, already.

Sach: Well, ok. Come on, Whitey! (He skates out onto the ice, spinning merrily)

Whitey: Wait up, Sach! *follows after him*

Chuck: *Turns to Butch* I think they're too fast for my speed. Shall we show them how the more leisurely skate?

Butch: (Nods) Yeah. (He skates out slowly but surely)

Sach: Woo hoo! Look at me! (He twirls around and around and around, faster and faster...until finally, he lands on the ground next to Slip, looking green and dizzy.)

Slip: Havin' fun, Sach?

Sach: You bet. Chief...I think I kow-chowed too fast. Chief, my tummy don't feel good.

Slip: *Groans* Sach, you can't hurl here now!

Sach: Just help me sit up, an' maybe I'll feel better. Got a peppermint? Ma always gives me peppermints when my tummy's upset.

(Slip helps Sach onto his rear. He leans against his hands, taking large gulps of air.)

Slip: *Shakes his head* Yer such an overgrown kid, Sach.

Sach: Thank you! (He starts checking Slip's pockets) Any peppermints in there?

Slip: *Slaps at his hands* Get outta my pockets! I don't have any peppermints.

Sach: Awww! (Grins) I think I feel better now. Must be all this fresh air. Wanna come out with me n' Whitey?

Slip: *Snaps* No! *pauses, quieter* Thanks, Sach. I'm fine right here.

Sach: You can't be havin' any fun sittin' here alone!

Slip: I'm fine, Sach.

Sach: You haven't even put on your skates yet! Look! (Points to the lake filled with people skating) Everyone else is doin' it!

Slip: Yeah. So what?

Sach: So you can do it, too! It ain't hard! Even I can do it, an' you're always tellin' me how I have a hard time standin' on my own two feet!

Slip: I don't want to, Sach. Go on back out there! Whitey's gettin' himself dizzy without ya.

Sach: Chiefy, what's wrong? You ain't never afraid of nuthin'!

Slip: I didn't say nutin' 'bout bein' afraid!

Sach: (Crosses his arms) Then why won't you go skatin'?

Slip: You ain't gonna leave until I tell ya, are ya?

Sach: Nope.

Slip: *Mutters* I can't skate.

Sach: That's ok! The guys n' I will show you how!

Slip: I don't need to, Sach.

Sach: Of course you do! It never hurts to learn somethin'! Sides, it's fun!

Slip: Forget it, Sach.

Sach: Please, Chiefy? We all really want you to join us.

Slip: *leans forward* Sach, the last time I was on skates was when I was ten an’ went out wit' Chuck. He tried to teach me. I fell more times than I could count, an' I almost fell through the ice. *pauses with a sigh* I'm fine right here.

Sach: Chief, I'm always falling. I've spent my whole life falling...but I still get back up. (He takes Slip's hand.) I'll help ya. I know what it's like to fall.

Slip: I just don't...Sach, don't... *shakes his head, latching onto the back of the bench*

Sach: Then you're a chicken. You're just scared, an' you're a baby.

Slip: *Scowls* Pissin' me off ain't gonna help, Sach.

Sach: Oh, you ain't gonna do it. (He pulls him on a bench) So I'll do it for ya. (He starts pulling his boots on.)

Slip: Sach!

Sach: Ok, Chief. (He pulls him onto the ice) Let's go.

Slip: *Very unsteady* Saaaach!

Sach: (Grins) Aw, come on, Chief! Even I can do it, and you know how light I am on my feet!

Slip: An' accordin' to you, I'm heavy on mine!

*Slip starts flailing, trying to keep his balance.*

Sach: I got ya, Chief. (Takes his arm) You can lean on me...provided we ain't on thin ice.

Slip: *Eyes widen* Don't even joke about that, Sach!

Sach: Come on, Chief. Skating's fun! (He goes into a little routine to show him, twirling and spinning as best he can.)

*As soon as Sach finishes, Slip looses his balance and lands on his rear.*

Sach: Chief! (He helps Slip back up) You ok? How's your rear? (He dusts Slip's pants off)

Slip: Sore.

Sach: Well, at least you landed on ice! You don't need to go home to get some ice for your rear!

*Slip just glares at Sach*

Sach: (Takes Slip's arm) Well, why don't we go slow, then? (He puts out his foot) Come on, Chief. You can do it. One foot, then the other.

Slip: *Disbelieving* One foot, then the other, huh?

Sach: (Nods) Just try it!

*Slip does try it...then falls again on his rear.*

Sach: Whoa! (He almost goes with him) You just need to keep practicin'. Chief. Watch this! (He does another little routine, stopping right in front of Slip.)

Slip: I've all I can do ta keep on my feet!

Sach: (Takes Slip's arms again) Come on, Chief! Just keep movin'. Pretend like you're walkin' real slow.

Slip: I'm tryin'... *but his feet try to go out from under him again*

Sach: Oh no, you don't! (Sach ably rights Slip again.) There you go! You ain't goin' nowhere as long as you've got me!

Slip: This ain't gonna work, Sach.

Sach: Sure it will! Just keep holdin' on to me! (He gently moves Slip around the lake, near the edge.)

*Slip's feet keep wanting to go out from under him.*

(Sach rights Slip every time and keeps leading him around, staying close to shore.)

Slip: *Has a death grip on Sach* Ain't you tired of draggin' me around yet?

Sach: Not until you can do this on your own! (Nods downwards) Your feet ain't tryin' to move on their own anymore! (Grins) This reminds me of "Bambi," when Thumper was teachin' Bambi how to skate. Only you ain't no baby deer.

Slip: More like a baby gorilla.

Sach: (He lets Slip go) Now, try doin' it on your own.

Slip: *Eyes widen* Saaach! *he's frozen in place*

Sach: (Nods, grinning) Come on, Chief! You can do it!

*Slip slowly takes a step, then another. He smirks at Sach, then takes another step...and lands on his rear.*

Sach: Ok, we need more work. (He lifts Slip back to his feet and moves him again) One foot, then the other...

Slip: *Mutters* My ass feels black an' blue already.

Sach: (Looks behind him) Looks gray to me. You don't even own black and blue pants!

Slip: Bruised, Sach! It feels bruised!

Sach: We'll cut ya some ice to put on it when we get home. (He's moving a little faster.)

Slip: Quit goin' so fast!

Sach: You ain't never gonna get used to it if I don't!

Slip: I didn't WANT to! *tries to keep up, but he falls again and ends up staring up at the sky; groans* I can't do this.

Sach: Yes you can, Chief! You can do anythin', if you keep tryin'. (He helps Slip back up and leads him around again)

Butch: (He and Chuck skate over) How's the lessons coming?

Slip: Horrible.

Chuck: Well, you are on the ice. That's a vast improvement.

Slip: *Motions to Sach* Cuz this maniac wouldn't leave me alone!

Butch: (He takes Slip's other arm) Maybe we could all help. I've been skating all my life. It gets even colder in Kansas in the winter than it does here!

Sach: We're good skaters, Chief. We'll keep ya standin'!

Slip: I dunno why ya gotta be so resistant.

Butch: Because skating is fun. You just have to learn how.

Sach: It ain't a bad thing to learn somethin' new.

Slip: *As his feet try to go out from under him again* I can't even keep my feet steady!

Sach: There's gotta be somethin' we can do to keep your feet from wantin' to go on their own.

Slip: If ya figure it out, let me know.

Butch: (He gets behind) Chuck and I will stand behind him. Sach and Whitey can stay in front. That way, you can fall onto us.

Sach: Yeah, we're soft.

Slip: *Turns to Sach* Yer a stick.

Sach: So I'm a soft stick! Ain't you always sayin' I eat so much, you're surprised I haven't gotten huge yet?

Slip: Yeah, but ya stick don't look very soft.

Butch: (Holds onto Slip's back) Maybe you won't have to find out.

Sach: (He holds Slip's hands tightly as the five move slowly across the ice) Come on, Chief! You're doin' better!

Whitey: But does he have a death grip on you, too, Sach?

Sach: That's ok. I don't really need to feel my hands.

Chuck: Slip, calm down, you're doing fine.

Slip: I'll calm down when I get off the ice.

Butch: You're doing great, Slip! You haven't fallen down in ages!

Slip: Don't jinx me.

Sach: No, really, Chief. You're movin' like a champ now!

Slip: 'Course! I got the lot of you around me! You let go, an' I'll be on my back before ya can blink.

Sach: Maybe. Maybe not. Why don't we see?

(All four let go of him and move away, letting him go on his own.)

Slip: Fellas!

*Slip stays upright momentarily and manages to turn around to see the others standing away from him. He starts to make his way toward Sach. He makes it a few strides, then ends up on his rear again.*

Sach: Chief! (They all hurry over to him.) Are you ok?

Slip: *Groans* Wonderful.

Sach: How about this, Chief? When you can at least get from here to the edge of the lake on your own, we'll all go and get some hot chocolate from a cart.

Butch: (Nods) I think that's a good compromise. We all love hot chocolate.

Slip: *Eyes the edge of the lake* Will it count if I fall again?

Sach: (Shakes his head) Nope! You gotta do it on your feet. We'll keep helpin' ya until you can do it on your own.

Slip: Great.

Sach: (Takes Slip's hands and pulls him back up) Ok, Chief. Upsy-daisy! Let's get goin' again.

Butch: (He and Chuck get behind him) We're right behind you!

Sach: You're gonna be skatin' like a pro in no time!

Slip: Sure...

Sach: You will...if you think you can.

Chuck: *Sighs and mutters* That might be the problem.

Slip: I'm really doubtin' it, Sach.

Sach: I ain't. Neither are the other guys.

Butch: (Grins as Chuck grabs hold of him) Maybe we ought to form a conga line or somethin'!

Slip: Not funny.

Sach: (Looks down at Slip's feet...and grins) You're doin' much better, Chief!

Slip: At least someone thinks I am.

Sach: (They help him closer to the edge) You're doin' it! Your feet look steadier.

Slip: The rest of me don't.

Sach: Why do you think we're still hangin' onto you?

Butch: You know, we can't do this all day.

Sach: (Nods) Sooner or later, you're gonna have to skate on your own, Chief.

Slip: The only way I'm goin' on my own is if ya force me to. An' I ain't gonna let ya do it.

Sach: Then I'll do it. Guys, let go. (They all do so...and Sach gives Slip a might push towards the edge of the lake!)

Slip: *As he sails across, flailing his arms; yells* SAAAACH! *He reaches the edge of the lake and can't stop. He ends up falling over the edge, landing face-down on the ground.*

Sach: Chief! (They all run over to Slip) You did it! You skated!

Slip: *Groans* An' yer dead meat.

Sach: Not until we've gotten our hot chocolate!

Chuck: Here we go, Slip... *pulls his skates off*

Slip: About time.

Sach: Chief, I know that was tough for ya. You ain't used to there bein' stuff you can't do. At least you tried.

Slip: An' found I still can't.

Sach: Yeah, but...you got on the ice. That's better n' not gettin' on the ice.

Slip: How about that hot chocolate, hmmmm?

Sach: Yeah. That sounds good. Come on, guys.

(He puts his arms around Slip as they get to their feet and head off for the nearest cart selling hot drinks.)