*We open in Ma Kelly's kitchen, with all six boys around the table. They all have platefuls of food, though Danny's is untouched save for the cauliflower and broccoli. We see Myron refill a water glass across the table by pointing at it.*

(Blinky's eyes light up as he passes more cauliflower to Danny.)

Ma: (Shakes her head) Just watchin' you boys eat is weird.

Chuck: Isn't that our usual status for eating?

Duke: *Shakes his head* That's just Sach.

Sach: (Looks up from his sardines smothered in ketchup and bananas; mouth full) Huh?

Duke: *Makes a face* Just eat.

Myron: Sach, your plate is disgusting.

*Danny is outright playing with his plate of food.*

(Sach whistles...and snitches Danny's plate when he's not looking.)

*Danny turns back and finds no plate. He puts his chin in his palm.*

Danny: Isn't like I could eat most of that anyway. I'm already tired of broccoli and cauliflower.

Myron: There's always more water. *refills Danny's glass*

Danny: *Groans* Not funny, Myron.

Ma: Maybe I could make you a slice of roast beef that isn't as seasoned.

Danny: Thanks, Ma, I'll try it.

Sach: (As Ma goes over to the stove) You know fellas, maybe we oughta do somethin' with these powers. You know, be real superheroes.

Duke: Well, it isn't a bad idea, but if word gets out, we'll have a one-way ticket to the looney bin for each and every one of us.

Sach: So we'll make sure word don't get out. Hey, if Superman can be Clark Kent, we can be...well, guys from the Bowery.

Blinky: It's not a bad idea, Duke. We might really be able to help people!

Duke: Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. I'm just trying to be realistic.

Sach: We'll buy a set of long-johns and capes and wear masks.

Duke: How about just masks?

Ma: (As she comes over with Danny's roast beef) I don't think uniforms are a bad idea. Maybe not long-johns, but I might be able to whip up something for you boys. I made my own costumes when I was a kid in vaudeville.

Chuck: I think that would work nicely.

Duke: *Nods* I can live with that, Mrs. Kelly.

Sach: Nothin' too tight, though. Some of us have skinny legs.

Danny: *shrugs* I'm okay with tight as long as it looks good.

Ma: I'll figure somethin' out. (Turns to Danny) Did you enjoy your roast beef, Danny?

Danny: *Nods* Yeah, this is good, Ma, thanks.

Ma: Good. I'll remember to lightly spice your food for a while.

Sach: (Grins) Maybe we ought to practice these new powers before we use 'em.

Blinky: (Nods) That way, we'll know how well they work and how to keep them from causing harm.

Chuck: Good idea. I'm afraid to point as it is.

Ma: Chuck, remind me to call you if I ever need help lighting the stove.

Chuck: I'll do that, Mrs. Kelly.

Sach: Dukey, can we go out to practice our powers first thing tomorrow?

Duke: Sure, we can do that.

Sach: I can't wait to zap all of you!

Duke: I can't wait to blow you off your feet, Sach.

Blinky: I don't think I have an offensive power, besides lifting things with my mind. Maybe I ought to referee the rest of you. I know each and every one of you wants to knock each other into Canada.

Myron: Are we really that obvious?

Danny: Maybe I could help you, Blinky.

Blinky: Certainly, Danny. (Grins at Myron) Remember, I can read your minds...and they're very easy to read.

Myron: Hey!

Sach: Read my mind then, Blinky.

Blinky: That's easy. There's only two things on your mind right now - getting a larger slice of dessert than the rest of us, and kicking everyone's rears tomorrow.

Sach: (Grins) He's good.

Duke: Food is always on your so-called mind, Sach.

Chuck: And we'll see who kicks whose rear tomorrow.

Ma: You boys are going to need energy to practice tomorrow. (Grins) Who wants some strawberry-rhubarb pie for dessert?

Sach: (He jumps up) Outta my way! Me first! Ma makes the best pie!

Duke: Sach! *follows after him, laughing*

Chuck: Wait for me! *follows Duke*

Myron: Save me some! *runs after Chuck*

Blinky: Don't hog it all! (He follows them)

Ma: (Turns to Danny) Do you think you could swallow some vanilla ice cream?

Danny: Please?

Ma: Sure! (She goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a carton of ice cream. She's jostled as she scoops. She finally gives Duke a little push) Could you boys hold it down to a dull roar? It's only a pie!

*Danny grins, shaking his head.*

Sach: (With a very red mouth) Awf, buf Ma, youf make good pie!

Duke: Sach, don't talk with your mouth full!

Ma: Thanks, but I don't want to get killed while all of you get your dessert. (Brings Danny his ice cream) Here you go, hon.

Danny: *Turns a shade of red* Thanks, Ma. *gives her a small kiss on the cheek*

Ma; (Grins) At least you have manners. (Nods at the other Boys fighting over the pie behind her) If I tried to get between those guys, I'd be a sandwich right now.

Danny: Or worse.

Ma: Well, you eat hearty. I'm going to try to keep the others from burning each other, drowning each other, electrocuting each other, or blowing each other over.

Danny: Good luck, Ma.

Ma: Thanks. (Turns to the squabbling quintet at the counter) Comin' through, boys!

(We fade out on Ma as she pushes through the gaggle of Boys surrounding the pie. Fade in on a very pretty and rural scene. The camera focuses on a large field in the early morning. We see some trees that are just barely budding, a few cows chewing grass, and a lovely old farmhouse and a few stables and barns off in the distance. All is quiet and peaceful as the sun rises over the picket fences and silo.)

(The peace of the morning is shattered by the sound of backfiring. The camera cuts to the Boys' beloved Model T Lucy as they pull right into the pasture.)

Sach: (Takes a deep sniff) Wow. Chiefy sure done well for himself. Smell that fresh cow-y air!

Duke: It sure was nice of Slip to let us barge in out here.

Chuck: Of course it was. Notice that he's away today, checking out livestock?

Sach: We wouldn't hurt his ol' cows! I like cows! They make ice cream!

Blinky: I'm just glad Slip didn't ask questions.

Chuck: *Snorts* He didn't wanna hear the explanations.

Blinky: Well, gentlemen, I know you're eager to practice, so...shall we begin? We really should leave before the hired hands arrive.

Sach: (Looks down at the fenders) You ready to referee us, Dan?

Danny: I'll try.

Sach: Ok then, men. Let's get ready to smash each other to smithereens.

(All six climb out of the ancient vehicle. The hike to the center of the field, where there's nothing but grass and a few flowers.)

Sach: I think this field needs more flowers. (He makes flowers appear along the ground) That's better. Now it looks like a field of flowers in a movie!

Blinky: Sach, could you please keep your mind on the matter at hand?

Sach: Sorry.

Blinky: All right, gentlemen. The rules are you must stay within the perimeters of this pasture. No attacking cattle or any other non-human creature. No permanent damage. The moment the hired hands arrive, we pack up, stop what we're doing, and leave.

Blinky: Danny, do you have anything to add?

Danny: *rattles off, counting on his fingers* No name calling, no hitting below the belt, no hair pulling...and no mentioning girls.

Blinky: Anyone's girls.

Sach: So I can't talk about Kathy, huh?

Blinky: (Sees Danny frown) No.

Sach: Well, what are we waitin' for? Let's get started! (He shoots garlands of flowers at the other guys, tying them up) No one said anythin' about distractin'!

Duke: *Waves a hand around* How about a tornado, Sach? *the wind lifts Sach of the ground and tumbles him along in the air for several seconds before dropping him in some tall grass*

Sach: (Brushes himself off) At least I had a soft landin'! (He shoots a bolt of electricity at the ground under Duke's feet. It crackles with energy!)

Duke: Yow! *Hops up and down, performing an interesting dance step*

Myron: *Laughs* Hey, Duke, you gotta teach me those steps!

Chuck: I think I can handle that. *makes the ground below Myron's feet hot without the actual fire; Myron starts hopping around*

Sach: (Grins) Nice dance, guys! (He shoots his flowers at Duke; they end up in his hair)

Duke: Real cute, Sach. *shakes the flowers out of his hair*

Myron: Chuck, I think you need to cool off! *creates a rain cloud over Chuck's head*

Chuck: Aww!

Sach: You think THAT'S cute? (He shoots a bolt of lightning at Myron's rain cloud, creating a small electrical storm over Duke and Chuck.)

*Duke and Chuck yelp and holler, trying to dodge the lightning bolts. They nearly run into each other.*

(Sach doubles over laughing. He shoots again. This time, large flowers grow up around Duke and Chuck.)

(Sach shoots again. The flowers begin to shake dust on the guys.)

*Duke makes the dust blow away.*

(Sach sends a bolt of lighting over Duke. It sets his hair on fire!)

*Myron douses Duke with water.*

(Sach shoots garlands of flowers around Duke and Myron, tying them together.)

*Chuck laughs.*

(Sach shoots another garland of flowers at Chuck.)

*And Chuck sets the garlands on fire, turning them to ashes.*

(Sach makes a face. He makes a very tall tree grow under Chuck!)

*And Duke helps Chuck down with his wind.*

(Sach makes the grass grow taller around the other three guys, so they can't see.)

Danny: *Cut to him; turns to Blinky* They're sure having a good time.

Blinky: (Nods, grinning) No kidding. I haven't seen them have this much fun since they accidentally overloaded Ma's washing machine and spent the rest of the afternoon swimming in her basement.

Danny: *Sighs* I gotta tell you, though...the smell out here is killing me.

Blinky: I read that in your mind. All the grass and cows is killing you, right?

Danny: Mostly the cows. *frowns* Everybody else gets to have fun with their powers. Mine are torturing me.

Blinky: (Sighs and rubs his head) And mine are giving me a headache. How would you like to read the mind of a cow? They're almost as vacant as Sach.

Danny: And I can hear the constant mooing and swishing of their tails.

Blinky: Maybe we should have gone to a random field or construction site and done this. I'll bet bees and rabbits have far more interesting minds.

Danny: Buzzing and *does a rabbit noise*... yikes. I don't think my senses are safe anywhere.

*As if to prove his point, Danny sneezes three times, one after the other.*

Blinky: That's what you usually do when we're anywhere near flowers.

Danny: *Nods* I'm miserable. *sneezes twice*

Blinky: (Sighs) As much as they're enjoying this, maybe we'd better break them up. It's getting late. The hired hands should be here any minute...and I think you've had all you can take.

*Danny just groans, putting a hand over his eyes.*

Blinky: That confirms it. It's time for this to end. (Frowns) But how are we going to get their attention?

Danny: *Without moving* Maybe you can do it mentally?

Blinky: I could try. Perhaps I could hold off two of them, and you could use your strength to block the other two?

Danny: *Slides his hand away; he's looks pale* I can try.

(Blinky concentrates. His eyes glow. Suddenly, a bluish barrier seems to pop up in front of Sach and Duke. Their powers can't get through it! Blinky, however, is sweating as he creates the barrier.)

*Danny grabs Chuck and Myron and hauls them away easily.*

Sach: Hey! What's this for?

Myron: Yeah! What gives?

Chuck: What's going on?

Danny: *Lets Chuck and Myron go* We're done. *sneezes four times; he’s doubled over and groaning*

Chuck: *Goes to one side of Danny* You okay, Dan? You don't look so good.

Myron: *Takes Danny's other side* Maybe we can try to keep you from sneezing yourself head over heels.

Blinky: (The lights fade from his eyes; he groans, sweating and looking pale) I don't feel wonderful myself.

Sach: (He frowns and runs over to Blinky) Are you ok?

Blinky: No, I don't think so. I feel like I've run a mile.

Duke: *Sighs* I think we should head home and let you two rest.

Sach: (Puts an arm around Blinky) Yeah, me too.

Blinky: (Leans against Sach) I won't argue. Besides, it's getting late. Let's go.

Duke: I'll drive us.

*Danny sneezes multiple times again, almost sending himself out of the grips of Chuck and Myron.*

(We fade out as the six head across the field, which looks more-or-less the same as before...only with larger grass, a few singed areas, and one new tree dead in the center. A cow wanders over and starts chewing on the new taller grass as we fade out.)