*We open in the boarding house. Ma Kelly is in the kitchen, working on dinner. Duke, Chuck, and Myron are in the living room, reading. Sach and Blinky are upstairs in the apartment, working on their experiments. Danny is outside on the stoop, working on an article for the library's newsletter.*

Duke: *Folds the section of the newspaper he's been reading* I wonder what those two are doing up there?

Chuck: I don't know, and I don't WANT to know.

Ma: I don't care what it is, as long as they don't blow anythin' up. (Nods at the stoop) What's with Danny? You'd think he'd be happy as could be, seein' how he got a new job at the library almost as soon as you guys got back.

Duke: Yeah, he's happy about that. Thing is, he might be on the verge of losing Kathy completely. It's a long story, but he fell for another girl while we were gone. Kathy was terribly upset when he told her. They're in the "I need some time" stage for Kathy.

Chuck: So he's waiting for Kathy to come home from work so he can try to talk to her, right?

Duke: *Nods* Yeah, but I don't know how well that'll happen.

Ma: I sure hope it works out. They really liked each other.

Duke: I hope so, too.

Myron: *Looking towards the door* I think we're about to find out.

*We hear Danny call out Kathy's name just before she comes in the door.*

Kathy: No, Danny. I'm still mad at you.

Danny: *Comes in behind her* But Kathy...

Kathy: (She turns to him, frowning) I thought you loved me! And now I hear that you're running around in some country in Europe, chasing princesses!

Danny: *Frown* It was only one princess.

*Duke groans.*

Kathy: That's not the point. The point is, maybe we should take some time off from each other.

Danny: *His eyes widen* Time off?

*Now all three in the living room are watching. Duke rubs the side of his head at the temple.*

Kathy: Yeah. We both need to think this whole thing over and decide what we want.

Danny: *Looks down at his feet and nods* Okay.

Kathy: I'm still at the diner on 52nd Street if you want to talk to me. You just need to decide if you want me...or a princess. (She stomps out before Danny has a chance to answer.)

*Danny just remains where he is, staring at his feet.*

Sach: Guys! Guys! (He and Blinky come flying down the stairs) You've just gotta see what we've invented!

Blinky: (Fixes his glasses, which were knocked askew while they were coming downstairs) It'll change the world!

Sach: (Stops next to Danny) What happened to you? You look terrible.

Danny: *Shakes his head* I don't wanna talk about it. *pauses* What did you invent?

Duke: *Joins them, followed by Chuck and Myron* I hope nothing that will blow up.

Blinky: It won't explode, Duke. I promise. (Grins) It's a laser ray!

Sach: I worked on the chemicals!

Duke: A laser ray?!

Chuck: What's it do?

Myron: Yeah, does it work?

Sach: Of course it works!

Sach: Come on! We'll show ya!

*The guys follow Sach and Blinky upstairs, Danny trailing behind.*

(We enter the boys' apartment. It looks more-or-less the same, other than Butch's piano is gone...and in it's place is what looks like small torpedo with a gun barrel on a wobbly wooden table.)

Duke: That's your invention?

Blinky: (He strokes it) Isn't she beautiful?

Sach: And we did it all by ourselves!

Blinky: This is what I was working on while you guys were overseas. Sach helped me finish it off when you got back.

Duke: It's...nice.

Myron: *Folds his arms* But what does it DO?

Sach: (Frowns) Uh...uh...

Blinky: It shoots things!

Sach: Yeah!

Myron: *Rolls his eyes* Uh huh.

Chuck: You did...good, fellas.

*Danny just flops himself into one of the beaten-up chairs and stares at the ray gun, disinterested.*

Blinky: Would you like to see how it works?

Sach: I know I do.

Myron: I'd like to see that.

Chuck: *Shrugs* Sure.

Duke: Yeah, why not? Just don't do anything wrong.

Sach: Aw, we know what we're doin'.

Duke: Alright, then. Show us how it works.

Blinky: You just turn the ray on... (He flips the gun on - the barrel and the wire running through the top begins to glow) And position it... (He aims it at a slightly cracked vase on the coffee table) Then flip this lever to the level you want it (he turns it on low) then... (The wire is now glowing like a firework) shoot the object... (He shoots the vase...and nothing happens.)

Duke: *Sighs* And watch it do nothing.

Myron: Nice try, guys.

Blinky: I don't get it. (He and Sach step in front of the machine) Why isn't it working?

Sach: It worked great in tests!

Danny: *Without looking up* Did you cross the wires?

Blinky: Maybe I need to adjust the cathoanical tubes... (Looks at Danny) Huh?

Sach: Cross the wires?

Danny: Yeah. *Goes over to them* Are the wires connected the right way?

Blinky: I thought they were...

Myron: I don't like this.

Duke: I'm not exactly overjoyed myself about it.

Sach: (He opens the back of the ray gun) Do ya see anythin' in there, Dan?

Danny: *Looks in* The wires are crossed! Here, *picks up some tweezers* let me just--

Blinky: No! Be careful! One wrong move, and you could blow us all to Brooklyn and back!

*Danny pokes inside with the tweezers. Suddenly, the ray gun comes to life. It zaps all six men at once!*

(All of the guys are knocked back into the walls. Duke seems to blow out the chair near him. A small fire develops behind Chuck, though it goes out quickly. The area under Myron is wet. Danny's wall has a dent in it after he lands against it.)

Danny: *Groans, raising a hand to his head* Ooooh, what did I touch? *sniffs* And why do I smell fire? *opens his eyes and sees the fire near Chuck* GUYS! FIRE!

Sach: (Jumps up) Fire? Where? (Looks around, his eyes wide)

(Blinky just groans. His glasses are several feet away.)

Danny: Where's the fire extinguisher?!

Myron: Fire? *sits up; as soon as he sees the fire, water comes from one hand, dousing the fire and soaking Chuck at the same time*

Chuck: *Groans* Who's the wise guy?

Sach: Chuckie, you were on fire!

(Blinky is now crawling around on the floor, looking for his glasses.)

Sach: (Turns to Myron) How did you do that?

Myron: *Shrugs, surprised* I have no idea!

Chuck: I was on fire? *checks himself* There's no burns...

Sach: You don't look like you were...but you were!

*Duke pulls himself up from behind the chair, confused.*

Sach: Dukey, are you ok? I don't feel hurt or anythin'. I just feel...weird.

Duke: I think I'm okay, but I was in the chair. *looks around at the slight damage already done around the room* Holy cats, what happened here?

Danny: *His eyes widen* Guys! Ma's on her way up! She's on the stairs!

Duke: *Turns to Danny* And how do you know that?

Danny: I can hear her. Can't you?

Duke: No, I can't. I'm sorry, but I don't have super sensitive hearing.

Sach: I don't hear her, either! I just hear Mr. Schefedorfer in the next room watchin' wrestllin' too loud.

Danny: And that's giving me a headache.

Blinky: (He's still looking for his glasses) Have any of you seen my eyeglasses? I can't find them anywhere!

Duke: *Points at the glasses* Blinky, they're... *the glasses life up as if in a gust of wind and land in Blinky's hand* What was THAT?

Blinky: Thanks, Duke! (Frowns) You don't know how you did that, do you? (Winces) And by the way, the aspirin is in the cabinet in the kitchen.

Duke: No, I don't know how...and I didn't ask about aspirin.

Blinky: I...read it. In your mind.

Duke: That's... How did you do that?

(Blinky's eyes glow blue suddenly. His glasses float up and land right back on his face. We now see that his eyes are wide.)

Blinky: I don't know! I don't even know how I did THAT!

Sach: Blinky, your eyes...they glowed! Like a jack-o-lantern at Halloween!

Blinky: I don't even feel orange!

Duke: *Turns* Chuck, point at the fire place.

Chuck: *Shrugs* Okay. *does so; a fire starts in it* Whoa! We've NEVER been able to get a fire started in it!

*Duke points at the fire and blows it out.*

Sach: I wonder what I can do? (He shoots...and an electrical current starts another fire. He shoots again...and the fire changes into flowers.) Wow!

Myron: Oh, my goodness...

Duke: Danny... how close is Ma to the apartment?

Danny: She's on this floor, walking down the hall.

Sach: How are we gonna explain the mess?

Blinky: (Gulps) Yeah! She'll never believe this! I'm not sure I do!

Duke: We'll have to tell her.

Ma: (She enters, making a face) What in tarnation is goin' on in here? People on this floor are complainin' about hearin' a major ruckus in this room! You promised me that fool invention wouldn't blow anything up!

Duke: Ma, it didn't blow up. It zapped us.

Ma: It "zapped" you? With what?

Blinky: I'm afraid my new ray gun overloaded and shot all of us, Mrs. Kelly.

Ma: You shouldn't be messin' around with dangerous stuff like that to begin with.

Blinky: (Sighs) I agree with you. I also agree that we were probably crazy to think it up, and that you're right and we'll be lucky if you don't kick us out in the next minute.

Ma: Hold on there, boy. I never said that.

Blinky: You thought it.

Ma: Well....yeah, I did. So what?

Blinky: You're not going to believe this, Mrs. Kelly...but I can read your mind.

Ma: (Rolls her eyes) You boys have got to stop readin' those damn fool comic books. They give you ideas.

Myron: Would you like a glass of water, Mrs. Kelly?

Ma: Well, sure. If it's not from a ray gun.

*Duke waves a glass over in a gust of wind to Myron, who then waves his hand over the mouth of the glass, filling it with water. Duke then waves it over to Ma on another gust of wind.*

Ma: (Her eyes widen; stares at the glass) My god....how....

Sach: (He makes a bouquet of flowers appear and hands them to Ma) Want some flowers, Ma? You deserve them. You're a good landlady.

Ma: Well, that's very sweet of you, Sach, but...how...

Blinky: My ray gun, Mrs. Kelly.

Ma: But... (turns to Chuck and Danny) Chuck...Dan....

Chuck: *Holds out a hand; a small fire begins in his palm* No, it isn't burning my hand, Mrs. Kelly. *He closes his hand on the fire, re-opens his hand, and shows no sign of the fire ever being in his palm.*

Ma: Oh my god...

Danny: Ma... maybe you might wanna sit down before I demonstrate. Would you sit on the couch?

Ma: Well, ok... (She puts her drink and flowers on the coffee table and sits down on the couch)

*Danny moves to the front of the couch, gives Mrs. Kelly a smile, then proceeds to pick up the couch and Mrs. Kelly very easily. He sets them both back down again.*

Danny: And I could hear you on the stairs from your apartment.

Ma: But...how....this morning, you could barely pick up my kitchen table!

Danny: *Shrugs* It started after we got zapped by the ray gun. I was trying to help them fix it because it didn't work. It went off while I was trying to fix some wires.

Sach: And when we all came to, we were the Justice League of America!

Duke: *Sighs* Whether we want to be or not.

Ma: This is amazing!

Sach: (Makes sparks appear between his fingers) Yeah, it is kind of fun.

Blinky: You're overhwhelmed, Mrs. Kelly. I think all of us are.

Duke: No kidding.

Danny: *Groans suddenly, holding his head* Oooohhh, someone needs to get that kettle off the stove!

Duke: Dan, obviously you've got strength and your hearing is amazing. I wonder what else you have, since hearing is a sense.

Danny: *Shrugs* I don't know. I just wish that kettle would stop!

Sach: Hey Danny, can you smell what's in my pocket?

Danny: *Sniffs* Is that a cinnamon drop?

Sach: Yeah. Want one?

Danny: *Grins* Yeah!

Duke: *Nods* There's smell. *pauses as Sach tosses the candy to Danny and he unwraps it; Duke's eyes widen* Wait, Dan!

*It's too late. Danny has already put the candy in his mouth. Less than a second goes by before he starts coughing and spits the candy out.*

Duke: *Sighs* Taste is another over-powered sense.

Danny: *Still coughing* Why...didn't you...say that...before?

Duke: You didn't give me the chance when I said to wait.

Danny: *Groans, still coughing a little* I don't like this.

Ma: You boys need to be careful with this. Yeah, you can do all this great stuff...but it might have side-effects, too.

Blinky: (Rubs his head) Like having having a headache from trying to tune out everyone else's thoughts?

Ma: Yeah, that.

Danny: Or not being able to eat, or hearing a kettle whistling from across the street!

Chuck: *His hands are tucked under his arms* Or being afraid of setting something or someone on fire if I point wrong.

Sach: I don't wanna electricute nobody!

Myron: I could get water in where it doesn't belong.

Duke: I could start a tornado at the shake of a hand.

*Danny drops onto the couch, crying softly.*

Duke: Mrs. Kelly, we need whatever help you can give us in this, even if it simply means keeping this a secret.

Ma; (Nods) Yeah. I'm the widow of a man who was a cop for thirty years. If anyone knows about keepin' secrets an' takin' care of men, it's me. (She puts her arm around Danny)

Sach: (He hands Danny something from a tin) Hey Danny, how about some of the sugar cookies Ma made us a few days ago? Maybe they won't make your senses go crazy.

Danny: *Sniffs, then shakes his head* No. The sugar's too much. I can smell it.

*Duke waves a glass to Myron, who fills it with water. Duke waves the glass onto the coffee table in front of Danny.*

Danny: Thanks, fellas. *picks up the glass gently and drinks the water until the glass is empty*

Sach: Ok, then. (He picks up a brownish banana) How about this? The sugar is natural.

Danny: *Eyes it warily, frowning* I'm too afraid to try it.

Duke: Sach, don't. Just let him adjust first. He's okay with water. We'll have him try some unsalted crackers or something later.

Danny: *Sniffs* Thanks, Duke. *looks up* Ma, I can smell nutmeg. Are you making butternut squash for supper?

Ma: I won't ask how you knew, since I washed my hands, but...yeah, I am. Flounder, too. And cauliflower and broccoli.

Danny: Maybe I could try the cauliflower and broccoli. Those aren't too strong. *sighs, laying his head on her shoulder* Your perfume's nice, too. I always liked lilacs. It isn't too strong, either.

Ma: (Smiles) Thank you, son. (She nods) That dinner should be just about ready. Why don't you boys come downstairs with me, and we'll figure this all out then?

Duke: I think we'd like that, Mrs. Kelly.

Danny: Thanks. *kisses Mrs. Kelly's cheek*

Ma: (Smiles) Anytime. Now, why don't we get downstairs, before my squash casserole burns?

Sach: Yikes! We wouldn't want that!

Ma: Come on. (She leads the boys out of the apartment as we fade out)