(We open in a small, dusty shop. The wooden shelves are lined with every kind of magic trick known to man. There's black top hats, decks of cards, metal rings, handcuffs, long boxes, fake pistols, fake flowers, and all kinds of strange boxes and crates. Sach immediately drags Duke over to the shelves the moment they step inside.)

Sach: Oh Dukey, look at this! (He grabs a hat and puts it on his head) How do I look?

Duke: Like the nut you usually are.

Sach: (He turns it over) Ok, Dukey, pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Duke: *Grounds out* Sach, get the KEY!

Sach: Pull out a rabbit first, then we'll get the key.

Blinky: Maybe we ought to get the key first.

Duke: *Holds up his free fist* Sach, for the LAST time...

Man: (He's a slender old man with a thick beard and graying hair; he wears a nice, if dated, suit) May I help you gentlemen?

Sach: Yeah. Can you pull a rabbit from this hat?

Duke: *Ignores Sach* Sir, we're looking for a key that might open these handcuffs. *lifts his cuffed arm*

Man: Yes, I believe those are the ones I sold.

Sach: Yeah, you sold 'em to us, but you didn't include the keys!

Duke: Sach, I doubt he sold you these with no key! We just want to know if he has any spare keys that will work!

Man: I'll go in the back and look. (He stops where Myron admires several decks of cards) Do you do magic, son?

Myron: I've dabbled a little, but I prefer tricks with cards and similar things.

Man: (Hands him a deck of cards) Well then, here's a deck of cards for you. It's special. You can do a couple of good tricks on your friends here. The numbers are invisible.

Myron: *Grins* Yeah? That's great!

Man: Now, I'd better go look for that key, before your smaller dark-haired friend bursts something. He looks rather red-faced, doesn't he?

Myron: *Nods* He was already having a rotten day. The topper was getting cuffed.

Man: Oh dear. I most definitely need to find that key. (He hurries into the back.)

Sach: Are you sure you don't wanna pull a rabbit outta the hat, Duke?

Duke: For the LAST time, Sach. NO!

Sach: Ok, ok. Wanna see me pull a rabbit out of a hat?

Duke: I don't care, okay?

Sach: Ok! Watch! (He wiggles his fingers over the hat) La da dee, la da doo! And... (pulls out...a kitten) Wait, that isn't right!

*Duke lets a long groan from the back of his throat.*

Sach: Hold on, Dukey, I'll get it right. (He puts the kitten back in. This time, he reaches out and gets a stuffed teddy bear) Oooh, I like him. Can I keep him?

*Duke snatches the hat from Sach and smacks it back onto the shelf.*

Sach: Geez! What's eating you?

Blinky: He's right, Duke. You have been grouchy today, even before the handcuffs incident.

Duke: Because I have been having the WORST day ever, all right?

Duke: I don't want to get into it.

Sach: I'm just trying to make you feel better.

Duke: Right now, the only thing that can do that is to just leave me alone.

Chuck: *Passes by them* You're sounding an awful lot like Slip, Duke. *goes to look at a wall of books on magic*

Duke: I'm not allowed to have a bad day?

Sach: (Grabs some metal hoops) How about we try the link trick?

Duke: I just told you, I'm not interested.

Sach: What are you interested in?

Blinky: Being grouchy.

Duke: Fellas, really, just let me be, okay?

Sach: Ok...ooh! (He runs over to a series of boxes) Look at this! (Pulls out a bunch of scarves)

Blinky: Maybe you could make flowers appear!

Sach: Ok! (He bunches up the scarves in his hand) Maybe some flowers will make you feel better, Duke.

*Duke just gives Sach a look.*

Sach: Ta-Daaa! (He pulls the scarves apart....to reveal a fake fish) Well, want a fish sandwich?

Man: (He hurries out, frowning, before Duke can hurt Sach) I'm sorry, but those handcuffs are an older model. I can't find an extra key for those.

Sach: Uh oh.

*Duke hangs his head, heaving a heavy sigh.*

Man: Perhaps I could find a skeleton key that might work.

Sach: How would a skeleton have the key to our handcuffs?

Duke: *Looks to the man* Please, Sir, find one.

Man: I could call around, if you have the time. There's several locksmiths near here.

Sach: Ooh, I'd love to stay and look around!

Blinky: I really like your shop. This is a nice place. You have everything!

Chuck: The books are great.

Myron: And I'm enjoying looking around.

Man: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it. Magic is such a fascinating hobby. I've run this shop for thirty years, since vaudeville ended along with my magic act. I thought I'd teach other magicians how to do what I loved to do.

Sach: Can you show me how to do these? (He holds up the metal rings)

Man: Yes, it's very simple. You just do this here, like so. (He twists the rings around...and they all come apart)

Sach: (He claps, yanking Duke's hand with him) Amazing! Isn't it, Dukey?

Man: (As Duke rolls his eyes, he hands it to Sach) Now, why don't you try it?

Sach: Me! Sure! I can do that! (He grabs the rings and starts twisting them around, but he just ends up twisting his hands and Duke's)

Duke: Sach...

Chuck: *Frowns* Sach, I really don't think Duke is even remotely enjoying any of this. Why don't you take it easy on him, huh?

Sach: I just want to help him out! I can't stand seeing my best friend so sad! It's almost worse than dealing with the Chief! (He tries to twist it again...but it just falls in one line down his hand) Darn.

Duke: I'm done, Sach.

Man: I'll call the locksmith. (He goes in the back again.)

Sach: (He puts an arm around Duke) You know you can talk to me, Duke. I'll help you if something's wrong.

Blinky: We all will.

Duke: Fine. First, I burned myself on the coffee pot this morning. Then I got splashed on my way to the interview, which did not go well, either. Then I went to my favorite coffee shop only to find they're closing next week. And the newsstand was out of my financial magazine. Anything else you wanna know?

Sach: (Frowns) Not Charlie's Chocolate and Coffee Shop! He has the best hot chocolate!

Duke: Yes, Charlie's.

Sach: I take it all back. You have every right to be depressed. I know I'll be depressed without Charlie's hot chocolate every morning.

Duke: Except that I'm not depressed. I am PISSED.

Myron: Which means we should just get to the locksmith's and let them do their job.

Man: (He joins them) There's a locksmith two blocks down who says he might be able to help you. His name is Joe Rubin. He seemed nice enough.

Sach: Let's go, then! (He waves to the man) Good-bye! Thanks for helping me with that ring trick!

Myron: And thanks for the deck of cards.

Man: Anytime.

Sach: Ok Duke, let's go. (He yanks Duke out the door)

Duke: Sach, if you yank me ONE more time...

Chuck: *Sighs, to Myron and Blinky* This is gonna be a long evening.

Myron: *Nods* Yeah.

Blinky: I wish there was some way we could improve Duke's day, or at least keep him from killing Sach. Sometimes, things happen.

Chuck: Except that he's had an extremely rotten day and Sach is repeatedly trampling on his last nerve.

Blinky: Sach is trying to help. (Shrugs)

Myron: Yeah, what HE thinks is helping is actually just driving Duke further up the wall.

Chuck: If Sach stopped trying to help, Duke wouldn't be about ready to explode.

Blinky: I'll try to talk to Sach. You guys see what you can do to calm down Duke.

Chuck: *Nods* We'll do our best. I've already been there with Slip.

(Cut to another small room. It looks the same as the magic shop...only now, the walls are filled with keys hanging on hooks and in boxes. Duke drags Sach to the front desk, where a small, stocky man organizes keys in a box.)

Shop Owner: Can I help you, sir?

Duke: *Raises his cuffed arm* We need to get these off as quickly as possible.

Shop Owner: Oh dear. Are you under arrest?

Duke: No, I'm under DURESS because this knucklehead thought he'd be cute and show me a magic trick.

Sach: I was only practicing!

Shop Owner. Oh dear. Well, let's see what we can find. (He takes their hands) That's a very unusual lock you have there.

Duke: An unusual lock for an unusual person.

Sach: It's a magic lock, but I can't figure out the trick to it!

Shop Owner: It's an older style. (He pulls out a key) Perhaps this might work. (He tries to fit the key in various ways, but it won't turn)

Sach: Maybe it just needs to turn the other way... (He tries to pull at it)

Shop Owner: (He manages to get it out) All right. Not that one. (Pulls out another) Let's try this one. (Does so; it won't turn, ether)

Sach: How about this one? (He grabs a key...but it's too large for the hole)

Shop Owner: No, that one is much too big. Perhaps we have one in back that could work. (He goes in the back of his store)

Sach: (Turns to Duke) Maybe there's a key in the store that would work.

*Duke practically has steam coming out his ears.*

Blinky: (He and the other two bring over keys) This looks like a good one!

Sach: Nahh, too big. (He yanks Duke over to a key hanging on a hook near the desk) Maybe this one is small enough to work! (But the handcuffs knock into the box of keys on the shelf under it, sending them tumbling to the floor) Oop! I didn't mean to do that!

Blinky: Sach, watch out!

Sach: I'll get it! (But when he leans down to get the box, he takes Duke down with him. Their heads hit together!) Ouch! (Rubs his head)

Blinky: Are you guys ok?

Duke: *Groans* One...two...three...

Sach: Uhhh... (He holds up a key) Duke, does this key look like it'll work?

Duke: *Glares at Sach* Four...five...six...

Sach: It'll work. (He jams the key in) It's in! (He tries to turn it...but it doesn't turn) Aw, darn! (He tries to pull it out...and it doesn't come out.) Uh oh.

Blinky: Tell me it isn't stuck!

Sach: Uh...it isn't stuck?

Chuck: Oh Sach, no!

Duke: Seven. Eight. Nine...

Sach: Maybe that nice man will have some oil that'll get it out!

Shop Owner: (He comes out with a key) I thought I heard something fall over...

(A very angry Duke yanks Sach up to the desk so hard, he almost falls over it.)

Shop Owner: I take it you couldn't find any keys in the store, either.

Duke: No, and now he's got this one STUCK!

Shop Owner: Oh my. I'll see if I have any grease... (He ducks down and pulls out a small bottle)

Sach: Hurry up, will ya?

Shop Owner: (He dabs grease around the key and turns it; it does come out) You shouldn't have tried this key. It's much too big! (He reveals a small key) This one is much closer in size to the the lock you have.

Sach: (Blushes) Oh.

(The shop owner puts the key in Duke's cuff. It turns...and the lock clicks and comes undone.)

Duke: It's about time! *rubs his wrist*

Sach: Ok, do me now.

(The shop owner does so...but there's no click.)

Sach: Hey, how come it doesn't work for me?

Shop Owner: Your side must have a slightly different lock.

Sach: Then find a slightly different key!

*Duke smirks a little.*

Shop Owner: (He pulls out another key) Let's try this one.

Blinky: (As they try the key) I hate to say it, but...Sach kind of deserves this. He really wanted to help you, Duke, but he overdoes everything.

Duke: He does deserve this. Now, I'm going home before I do something to this guy I'm gonna regret. *heads out of the store*

(We fade out with the satisfied smirk on Duke's face as Sach tries desperately to open the cuffs...with little success.)

Sach: (As the camera fades out) Aw, nuts!