(We open...in darkness. The camera first shows us the exterior of the Fortress. It looks more like a large castle with much thicker walls than the main castle the King lives in. The drawbridge is still closed. As the camera moves to the woods surrounding the fortress, we hear voices and rustling behind the bushes...)

Sach: (Behind the bushes) Ow! Ok, who stepped on my foot?

Danny: Sorry, Sach.

Duke: Will you two quit walking on each other?

Sach: Sorry, Dukey, but it's dark out here! (Peers through the bushes) Guys, I think we're here.

Sach: (Grins) Everyone ready to go swimmin'?

Duke: Yeah.

Danny: No.

Sach: Aw Dan, you go swimmin' at the YMCA at home all the time!

Danny: Not in a moat!

Sach: Didn't ya hear the other two say there ain't nuthin' that could eat us down there?

Danny: How do they know? Have they been swimming in there recently? :

Duke: *Goes up to Danny* Dan, you're going with us whether you like it or not. Now, *gets in his face* Shut. Up.

Danny: *Nods, gulping* Okay, Duke.

Sach: Yeah! Why don't Dukey go in there first and check it out?

Duke: Fine. I will go first just to show you two scaredy cats that there's nothing to worry about.

*Duke eases himself into the moat and starts across.*

Sach: Well, I don't see him disappearin' under the water, so that's good. (Turns to Danny) I'll shoot you for who goes next.

Danny: That's fair.

*They shoot fingers. Danny loses.*

Danny: Guess I'm next... *Eases into the water; whimpers* Ooohh, Duke didn't say it was cold! Come on, Sach... *starts across*

Sach: (He dips a toe in the water...then pulls it out) That water is freezing! Oh, well. Here goes nuthin'. (He climbs in and follows the other three.)

*Duke pulls out of the moat on the other side. He looks around at the wall.*

Danny: *Pulls out of the moat next, Sach following behind him* How does it look?

Duke: We should be able to climb the wall easily.

Danny: *Groans* I was hoping you'd say we wouldn't be able to climb it.

Sach: Um...Dukey, you can go first again.

Duke: *Mutters* Maybe I should've done this by myself. *starts to climb*

Sach: Wanna shoot for it again, Dan?

Danny: I'll go next. I know I'll just lose again.

*Danny follows Duke again.*

Sach: (Looks up) Sure is high. (He follows them, going more slowly)

(Cut to the tower room. Annette Astor is there, reading and trying to look unconcerned. She turns around when she hears a noise. She finally pulls Duke in first.)

Annette: Are you all right? I heard you out there. If you made any more noise, the whole fortress would know!

Duke: I wasn't the one making the noise.

*We see fingers appear in the window.*

Danny: Help!

Duke: For Pete's sake... *goes back to the window and hauls Danny in; Danny hugs him* Don't...

Danny: *Lets go of Duke; clears his throat* Yes, right.

Annette: What happened? Are you ok, Mr. Kaminsky?

Danny: I'm better now that I'm not out there.

Sach: (From outside) Hey! Could someone help me?

Duke: Geez... *pulls Sach in* You guys are impossible!

Sach: (He's gasping) Geez, name the last time we scaled a high wall?

Annette: Shh! (She shakes her head) You have to get going. Someone must... (Her eyes widen as we hear footsteps) Michael's coming! Hurry!

Sach: (He looks around) Where will we hide?

Annette: Someone can go under the bed!

(Sach jumps in a large wooden hope chest.)

*Duke slides under the bed.*

Danny: What about me?! Where can I hide?!

Annette: Behind the curtains! Quickly!

*Danny hides behind the curtains.*

(He gets there just in time. Michael strides in, looking thoroughly satisfied with himself.)

Michael: (He smirks) My men have confirmed it. The pretender and two of his friends are coming here. The others are hiding in the woods.

Michael: They should be here any minute now. (Grins evilly) This is just right. We'll get rid of them and the king in one swoop.

Annette: And then?

Michael: And then, there will be no one in my way to take over the throne.

Annette: What becomes of me?

Michael: There's no law that says a king can't have a mistress and a wife.

Annette: And which one will I be?

Michael: (Shakes his head) I'm afraid Deborah is next in line for the throne after me. I'd have to marry her. You're a very pretty woman...but she's a choice piece of goods. She'll could certainly use a real man, after having to deal with that idiot king and the wimpy pretender.

*Annette's eyes widen. She's about to say something when a blur goes past her. Danny springs from his hiding place behind the curtains and throws a fist at Michael, effectively tackling him at the same time.*

(Michael falls hard against the heavy, rough stone wall and falls unconscious, blood on the back of his head.)

*Danny pulls away to swing another fist, but he sees the blood and gasps loudly.*

Duke: *slides out from under the bed* What happened?

*All Danny can do is point with a shaking hand.*

(Sach peers out of the hope chest, takes one look at Michael, and drops the top of the chest again.)

Duke: *Stops to look down at Michael's prone body* Well...

Annette: (Her eyes widen; she leans over him, checking his pulse) Yes. He's dead. (She starts shaking, then leans over him, sobbing) Oh, my Michael. All I wanted was for you to marry me and forget all this talk about the throne. I wish I'd never brought them here!

Duke: *Sighs* Fellas, I think we should get moving.

*Danny just whimpers.*

Duke: *Goes to the hope chest and pulls Sach out* Come on, Sach, we need to get going.

Sach: (Gulps when he sees the dead man and the woman sobbing over him) Dukey, I don't feel well. Can I go home?

*Duke grabs the back of Sach's top and pulls him along. As he passes Danny, he loops one arm with Danny's arm and drags him out as well.*

(Cut to the hall. Rupert is strutting down it, whistling, when Duke, Danny, and Sach come out of Michael's room. Rupert raises an eyebrow.)

Rupert: What are you three doing here? I thought you weren't interested in my plan.

Duke: Holy cats...uh, we're were just leaving!

Rupert: Why? (Pulls out a sword) The party's just getting started.

Sach: This is one party I ain't stickin' around for! Good bye! (Tries to take off)

Duke: *Holds onto Sach* Sach, stay PUT!

*Danny yelps. He grabs a sword off the wall and holds it at the ready.*

Danny: We're not interested in your party, Rupert.

Sach: (Mutters to Danny) Um, how good are you with swords?

Danny: *Shrugs* I do all right.

Sach: Well, I don't. (Mutters to Duke) Maybe you n' I oughta go rescue the king an' open the drawbridge while Danny keeps this boy busy.

Duke: Let’s go. *the two take off down the hall, indeed leaving Danny to fend off Rupert*

Rupert: (He puts out his sword) So, you know how to handle that thing. You're full of surprises, pretender. I wouldn't think you'd know which was was up.

Danny: And I know which way is down, too.

Rupert: Let's see how good you are with it. (He lunges for Danny)

Danny: *Parries Rupert's lunge, clanging their swords several times* I'm adequate.

Rupert: (Smirks, ducking around him) Surprising. I would have pegged you to be a klutz, like the king. (He lunges for him again)

Danny: *Blocks the lunge again* I'm learning more and more that I’m nothing like him. Our resemblance ends at our looks.

Rupert: So it would seem. You've certainly captured that Princess' heart. (He lunges harder)

Danny: *Barely blocks the strike this time, momentarily distracted by the mention of the Princess* I can't help it if she's taken a liking to me.

Rupert: (He smirks) From what I've gathered, she's taken more than a liking to you. Couldn't get her on the table, hm?

Danny: *Frowns* You jerk. *lunges for Rupert*

Rupert: Thank you! (He ducks away) I really would have thought more of you. Weren't man enough for her?

Danny: *His grip on the sword handle is so tight his knuckles have turned white; still frowning* Shut up.

Rupert: Did she slap your face right away, or wait until you'd climbed off of her?

Danny: *Frowns deeply; his voice is strangled* Bastard...

Rupert: You say such nice things about me! (Smirks) How long did it take for you to jump on her, anyway? Five seconds? Four? I don't blame you. She is quite a dish, isn't she?

*Danny can no longer stand it. He charges at Rupert.*

(Rupert ducks aside and lets Danny run into a suit of armor.)

*Danny crashes the to floor and groans, staring up at the ceiling.*

Rupert: Sorry to duck and run, but I really must warn the household about your two little friends! Ta-ta! (He runs off)

Danny: *Winces as he rolls over* Dammit... *frowns again as he pushes up off the floor, then starts, somewhat slowly at first, going after Rupert*

(We fade out as he takes off down the hall.)