*We open still in the parlor as Duke returns with an ice pack to his jaw. Danny still sits in the chair Deborah left, chin propped in one palm and looking rather forlorn.*

Sach: (Frowns) Are you ok, Dukey?

Duke: Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tender.

Sach: The Princess ran out on Dan.

Duke: I know, Sach. She's what caused my black & blue mark. *sighs* In order to rescue the king, we need a plan.

Sach: But how? We don't even know where he is!

Duke: That's what I keep hoping Charleton and the General will come up with.

(That's when a page comes in with a note.)

Page: An urgent message for His Majesty. (Raises an eyebrow at Duke's shiner, but says nothing; hands Danny the note)

Danny: *Mutters* Thanks. *opens the message*

Sach: Who's it from?

Danny: Michael's mistress...

Sach: I've heard her name before. Annette Astor, right?

Danny: Yeah...

Danny: She says she wants to meet me alone in the gazebo at the summer house.

Duke: Meet you alone? *shakes his head* I don't like it.

Sach: Yeah. Why would this chick want to talk to us if she's Michael's dame?

Duke: Because she's got something up someone's sleeve.

Sach: I don't think we should let you go alone, Danny. We could bring Charelton, but the General might try to talk us outta it.

Danny: Who says I'd want to go alone?

Duke: We'll all go.

Sach: (Grins) All right! It's about time we got some action. All this love talk is borin' me.

*Danny shoots Sach a glare.*

Charelton: (He enters the room; sees the note) Hello, Your Majesty. (Smiles) Got a love letter already?

Danny: *Folds the message* Yes.

Sach: (Mutters to Danny) Maybe we ought to bring him, too. We don't know where the gazebo is.

*Danny nods and holds out the letter to Charelton.*

Charelton: (Frowns as he reads the letter) That's some love letter. I can't imagine why she'd want to see you. Rumor has it that she's devoted to Michael. This is probably a trap of some kind.

Duke: That's what we're thinking.

Charelton: We'd all better go with you. (Grins) Except for the General. He'll think of a hundred reasons we shouldn't go, and they'll all be right.

Sach: Let's go, then! I want some excitement!

*We switch the the garden in which holds the gazebo. We see Danny walk the path toward the gazebo.*

(We get a brief shot of three heads in the bushes behind him - Duke, Sach, and Charleton.)

Charleton: I hope he'll be all right. I don't like him going in there alone.

Sach: Pshaw! Dan can take care of himself.

Duke: Besides, he wouldn't let any of us go with him beyond this point anyway.

(Cut to inside the Gazebo. An attractive, somewhat older woman with dark hair and eyes, wearing a dark gown and cloak, sits on one side of the gazebo. She goes to Danny the moment he comes in.)

Annette: (She smiles warily) Hello, Mr. Kaminsky. I've heard much about you.

Danny: *Nods* Annette. I hope what you heard is good. What’s your message?

Annette: I'm willing to help you rescue the real King. Michael is holding him at the old fortress in Zenda.

Danny: The old fortress. Where in the fortress?

Annette: It's on the edge of Zenda, the villiage near the border of the Green Briar Forest.

Danny: And where inside?

Annette: The King is in the dungeons. I'll send you a messanger to give you more details.

Danny: When shall I expect them?

Annette: He'll meet you at the hunting lodge in two days. I dare not send anyone to the capital. It may be too suspicious.

Danny: *Nods* I'll be there. *pauses* Is the King unharmed?

Annette: (Frowns) He has not been harmed physically...but he's very weak. They've been feeding him just enough to keep him alive, and barely giving him any water.

Danny: *Sighs* Great.

Annette: I don't know how much longer I can stay here. I think I was followed.

Danny: *His eyes widen and his voice cracks* Followed?!

Voice #1: (That's when we hear knocking) Annette? Pretender? We know you're in there!

Annette: (Her eyes widen) It's them! Michael's men!

Danny: *Jams a knuckles in his mouth to keep from whining; then whispers* If we're really quiet, is there any chance they'll think we left?

Voice #2: If you come out now, we may go easy on you.

Annette: (Mutters) Not likely.

Danny: *Glances around and spots a tea table; to Annette* Back away, out of range. I'm going to try something. *as Annette backs away* The door. It's stuck. Perhaps you can open it from outside? *Picks up the tea table and holds it in front of himself as a shield.*

(Suddenly, the door bursts open. We see three men with knives and guns.)

*Danny runs full speed towards the door and the men. He rams the table and himself into them. All four end up back outside. The three men go sprawling while Danny keeps going...until he trips and tumbles himself over the now-upside down table. He lands in the brush with a whoomp that knocks his wind out.*

(Duke and Charleton jump on the three men. Sach runs over to Danny and helps him to his feet.)

Sach: Are you ok?

Danny: *Winces* Peachy.

Charelton: (He and Duke join Danny) They got away. Are you all right? Did they hurt you?

Danny *Shakes his head* No, they didn't hurt me, but I'm certain if I hadn't found that table to use as a shield, I'd definitely have been hurt.

Charelton: What was that all about?

Danny: They knew I'm not the King. Called me Pretender.

Sach: Uh-oh.

Charelton: What did Annette want?

Danny: She knew where they have the King. He's in the old fortress, in the dungeon. She said she'd send a messenger with further details to the lodge in two days.

Sach: Why would she tell this to us? She likes Michael!

Charleton: (His eyes widen) Yes. Rumor has it that she's been asking him to marry her for years, but he'd rather have the throne...and the Princess that goes with it. If the King is out of the way, not only does he become king, but he marries Deborah, who is third in line.

Danny: *His eyes narrow* Oh no, he won't!

Charelton: We don't want that. You don't want that. (Grins) And Annette doesn't want that, either.

Sach: Yeah! If Mike gets the throne, she don't get him!

Duke: Seems fairly simple.

Charelton: (Nods) It's rather like those old movies they run on the late-late show.

Duke: *Turns to Sach* And, Sach, please spare us your Ronald Colman impersonation.

Sach: Aww, but it's so perfect for now! (He leans against Danny) My dearest, my darling, I must leave your side...

Danny: Get off.

Sach: Aww, you're no fun!

Charelton: Under the circumstances, I think we ought to return to the castle. We'll need to tell the General what's going on and prepare to leave for the lodge tomorrow.

Duke: *Nods* Right. We need a plan.

Sach: (Looks at Danny) And someone's gonna have to tell his new dame good-bye.

*Danny frowns.*

Charelton: Come on. (He and the others head out of the garden.)

(Cut to the next day. Sach, Duke, and Danny all wear good suits meant for driving and carry suitcases. Sach is pulling at Danny's coat.)

Danny: Sach, please STOP fussing! You're making me nervous!

Sach: I'm sorry, Da...Your Majesty! I just want you to look like a king!

Deborah: (She comes in dressed in an elegant black and white riding habit) You wished to speak to me, Josef? I thought we were going out riding this morning!

Danny: *His eyes widen upon seeing Deborah; swallows hard* I'm afraid something has come up. We must leave for a few days.

Deborah: (Frowns) You're just running off like that? Where are you going?

Danny: It's urgent. I'm afraid that's all I can say. *takes her hand* You look gorgeous.

Deborah: Thank you. (Makes a face) Are you going on one of your silly random hunting trips again?

Danny: Ah, yes, you guessed. I do wish you wouldn't call them silly, though. *pauses* I really wish I didn't have to leave you, though.

Sach: Yeah, we're goin' huntin', but it ain't for any old animal.

Deborah: What do you mean?

Duke: *Sighs* We've received word that Michael may be doing something foul. That is what we'll be hunting for.

Deborah: (Eyes widen) Please be careful!

Sach: Of course we will! We ain't no dopes!

Danny: Of course, Deborah. *pauses* Oh, how I wish I could stay here with you. *Duke elbows him in the back. He glares at Duke, then speaks to Duke and Sach* Can you two go out and wait for me?

Deborah: (Sighs) I wish you could stay here, too. I'm going to miss you. (She smiles at Duke and Sach) And your friends, too.

Sach: She likes us!

Duke: The lady has good taste.

Danny: Deborah...

Sach: You know, Duke, maybe we ought to leave them alone for a few minutes.

Duke: *Rolls his eyes, but nods* All right, let’s go. *They leave.*

Deborah: (She smiles) Those two are charming. Odd, but charming. (Turns to Danny) Josef...

Danny: I'm sorry about yesterday. I realize I came on too strong. It's just...I'm so in love with you that it's doing strange things to me.

Deborah: I'm in love with you, too. I've never been in love like this with any man before! It's just...it's like you're too different people. You were never like this with me before you became king! Before, all you cared about was hunting and carousing and avoiding responsibility!

Danny: I... *pauses, then leans forward and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips; after they part, huskily* I realized how much I love you.

Deborah: (Softly) Come back safely.

Danny: I will.

(Deborah kisses him, then leaves the room quickly. She's blushing deeply...and there are tears in her eyes.)

*Danny stands frozen, staring after her dazedly, with his mouth slightly open.*

Sach: (He and Duke rejoin Danny) Is she ok? What happened to her? (Raises an eyebrow) What happened to you? You look like a fish about to catch a fly!

Duke: *Groans* Oh, this is getting ridiculous.

Danny: *Faintly* She loves me...

Sach: Maybe we ought to get going, before he forgets his own name.

Duke: I think he already has. Sach, you take that arm, and I'll take this arm.

Sach: (Nods) Gladly, If we leave him like this, we ain't never gonna rescue the King! (He does as told)

*We fade as the trio leave the room.*