(We open in what looks like the ballroom set from "Sally and the Beast." It's now filled with lots of people in elaborate tuxedoes, suits, and gowns. We see the crowd through a doorway...and discover Danny looking out to the crowd via the hall. He wears his crown, but a large maroon sash and military-style uniform replaces the cape. Sach and Duke wear simpler tuxes. Sach is straightening Danny's jacket.)

Duke: What's it look like out there, Dan..uh, your Majesty?

Danny: A beautifully dressed crowd. *ignores Sach's straightening as he continues looking out at the crowd*

Duke: (Looks at his watch) Where is that princess? You'd think a royal dame would at least know to be on time!

Princess Deborah: Hello? (She now wears a huge pink gown trimmed with ruffles, netting, and rhinestones; pink and white jewels glitter in her tiara, necklace, and earrings. She goes to Danny and curtsies) Hello, Your Majesty.

(Sach's eyes widen. His lips go again.)

Danny: *Bows at the waist* Princess... *straightens* Wow. You take my breath away.

Duke: No kiddin'. That's some get-up, Your Highness.

Princess Deborah: (She smiles) Thank you. I had it made especially for this ball. (She takes his hand) Shall we enter? They're all waiting for us.

Danny: *Nods* Let’s not keep them waiting any longer.

(Suddenly, the music swells again as Danny and Deborah enter the room. Sach and Duke follow them. Duke keeps an eye out for anything suspicious. Sach waves to the crowd, blowing kisses to all the lovely ladies. Danny and Deborah walk right into the center of the crowd. The music starts again, this time a stately waltz...but nobody dances.)

Deborah: (Smiles) I think they're waiting for the official royal couple to signal the beginning of the dance.

Danny: *Takes her hand* Your Highness, may I have this dance?

Deborah: (Curtsies deeply) Certainly, Your Majesty. (As they start dancing, everyone else starts dancing, too. She smiles) Have you been taking lessons? You're much better than you used to be.

Danny: I just want to keep up with you.

Deborah: I'm flattered. (She sighs and leans against him) You seem so much better than you used to be, less clumsy.

Danny: I feel as though I'm dancing on a cloud, and it's with thanks to you.

Deborah: (Smiles) Thank you. (Sees Michael smirking at them) I wish I knew why your brother keeps looking at us so strangely. It's like he knows something we don't.

Danny: He only thinks he does. He's simply trying to play mind games with us. *holds Deborah closer* Forget him. He's simply the jealous sort. This is a special night. Let’s not let him put a damper on it.

Deborah: (Nods) I agree. (Sighs again) For one night, let's just pretend we're a couple dancing at a dance. Just another couple.

Danny: Happily.

*As Danny and Deborah dance, we switch over to Duke and Sach standing off to the side. Duke is glancing around while Sach's lips keep going rubber.*

Duke: *Turns to Sach* Will you stop that, Sach? We're supposed to be watching for suspicious activity, and you're distracting me.

Sach: Sorry, Dukey! They just look so cute together, I can't help it.

Duke: That is really bothering me. Almost as much as wondering what Michael is up to. *sighs* Do you see anything besides the two of them dancing?

Sach: (Peers around) Uh, other people dancin'... (frowns) Wait. There's a few guys movin' around in the crowd. They're wearin' outfits with lotsa gold braid like Prince Michael's, an' they look real sneaky.

Duke: Wonderful. I think we should shadow them, find out what's going on.

Sach: You mean, we can be sneaky, too?

Duke: *Grins* That's what I mean. Come on, Sach.

Sach: Ok! (They duck into the crowd, following the men. The men are trying to get close to Danny, but he keeps dancing out of range. Sach points to them as one reaches for Danny and misses) There they are!

Duke: They're after Danny, and he doesn't even realize it.

Sach: Yeah, he's too busy makin' eyes at that Princess.

(Danny walks out onto the patio with the Princess. The men look like they may try to follow them.)

Sach: (Points at the men) There they are, Dukey!

Duke: We need to stop them. Quick, Sach, around the outside wall toward the patio. We can cut them off.

*Duke leads Sach along the wall as he explained.*

Sach: Right. (He follows him. They manage to get in front of the men before they get onto the patio)

Man #1: (He's younger than the others) Hello, gentlemen. We thought we saw...someone we recognized.

Sach: Sure ya did.

Michael: (He joins them) What's going on here? Are my men bothering you?

Sach: No, but they were about to bother the King and Princess!

Michael: (Shakes his head) It won't happen anymore. Come, gentlemen. We have other business to discuss anyway. We'll talk to His Majesty later.

Sach: (As the three men head for the hallway) What was that all about?

Duke: I don't know, but it's definitely suspicious.

Sach: Should we tell Danny?

Duke: He should know.

Sach: (Nods) Yeah.

(Cut to the patio. It's the same patio set seen in "Cinder Sach" and "Sally and the Beast." Deborah leans against the railing.)

Deborah: It's such a beautiful night. I never noticed how lovely the moon could be before.

Danny: Yes, it is, but not nearly as lovely as you.

Deborah: (Blushes) Thank you. You've been so charming tonight. I hope you're still charming like this when we're married.

Danny: I'll be even more charming. *moves close to her against the railing* And you are especially enchanting tonight.

Deborah: Thank you. You always did have a way with words.

Danny: Words are wonderful. *leans in closer* But sometimes, even words cannot convey all that one wishes to.

Deborah: Well, what do you wish, Your Majesty?

Danny: This. *takes her chin in his thumb and index finger and leans into a kiss*

Sach: Da...uh, Kingy! Your Majesty! (He and Duke rush in as the two kiss; Sach's rubber lips go again)

*Duke rolls his eyes and slaps Sach's back.*

Duke: Stop that.

Danny: *As they separate, his face flushes; glares at them* You two have EXCELLENT timing.

Sach: Thanks! Well, anyway, we really hadda tell ya somethin', Kingy. We saw these guys watchin' you an' the Princess while you were dancin'! They kept tryin' to grab ya!

Danny: *Eyes widen* What? Who were they?

Duke: Some of Michael's men.

Deborah: (Nods) I saw them, too. Rupert Fairson and Jakob Kellar. (Raises an eyebrow) Michael usually has four men with him. I wonder where the other two are?

Sach: Probably up to no good.

Duke: I think that's a safe bet.

Deborah: (She gives Danny a kiss on his cheek) Maybe you'd better go talk to Michael and find out what's going on. I'll keep an eye on our guests.

Danny: I will, Your Highness.

Deborah: Good luck! I'm supposed to come here tomorrow anyway for tea and to discuss our wedding plans. I'll see you then.

Danny: I'll be here waiting.

Sach: Come on, Kingy! We need to find Charelton and that General guy. They'll be able to help us tell who's who. They know 'em.

Danny: *Sighs* Alright.

General: (As he and Lord Charelton meet the three men in the main ballroom) Your Majesty, we just saw Michael and two of his men arrive. We thought it was odd that he didn't bring his usual four men.

Charelton: We're afraid they may have figured things out.

Duke: The two men we found following His Majesty.

Charelton: We saw them, too. We know they were trying to grab him, or at least talk to him.

General: But hang it all, they escaped before we could question them!

Danny: If you saw them, why didn't you stop them?

General: They kept disappearing every time we tried! They know this castle almost as well as we do.

Danny: *Folds his arms* Excuses.

Charleton: That's not the point. The point is, they've left the castle...and we need to follow them.

General: And even if they haven't figured things out, we need to retrieve the king, so our friend Danny can resume his normal life.

*Danny frowns, his arms still folded.*

Duke: *leans over Danny* Yeah, normal life. You remember what that is.

Sach: You'll be able to go back to the Bowery and Mike and Kathy!

Danny: *Mutters* And go back to being unimportant.

Sach: You ain't unimportant to Kathy! She loves ya, and you love her!

Danny: And she's the only one. I can't even keep a job.

Duke: We need to go get the King. THEN we'll discuss this.

General: Besides, I'm sure the King will want you to sing at his wedding to make up for losing the coronation job, and you'll still be well-paid for both at any rate.

Danny: *Sighs* Alright.

General: (Nods) Let's get to the hunting lodge and get the real King. Danny, we'll have you in a heavy coat and hat to cover up the resemblance, especially for the ride back.

Danny: *Disappointed* Okay.

Sach: (Puts his arm around Danny's shoulder) That's ok, Dan! You still have us!

(We fade out as Danny groans. Fade in on the car pulling up to the hunting lodge. It's now past dark. There's no lights on anywhere in the building.)

Sach: (Shivers) Sure looks spooky in there. I hope the real Kingy is ok.

General: (Everyone now wears normal clothes and suits; Danny wears a heavy cloak and large-brimmed hat to cover his face) Something's not right here. We must be on the alert.

Duke: *Nods* Let’s go find out what's going on.

(Cut to inside the main living room. Everything is dark...except for the faint outline of a figure sprawled on a couch.)

Danny: I think I see something. *He goes over to the couch and pulls off his hat, then moves the figure...and gasps exaggeratedly. He babbles unintelligible sounds.*

Sach: What is it, Dan... (He gasps, too, and nearly chokes.)

General: What's wrong, b.... (His eyes widen as Charelton turns the lights on...and reveals Jaques the Valet spread out on the couch, a large red stain under his chest. His eyes are open, but they see nothing.)

Sach: (Points at Jaques That guy is dead! He's really dead!

Duke: *Shakes his head* This is horrible.

General: Has anyone found the king?

Charleton: (Shakes his head) No, and the cook's missing, too. I saw the chair we tied her to in the kitchen, but it's empty and the ropes look like they were cut.

Duke: I've got a bad feeling we may have figured out where the rest of Michael's men were.

Sach: They must have figured out where the King was and grabbed him!

General: (Nods) I hope that's the case. We can search the basement and upstairs, but I suspect he's probably gone. (Turns to Danny) It looks like you'll be the King for a little while longer.

*Danny's eyes widen as he rotates the hat in his hands and nods.*

Sach: But what happened to the king?

General: That will be yours and Charelton's job. (Turns to Duke) Someone will need to ask about the possible whereabouts of the real King while we teach Danny the ins and outs of ruling a kingdom.

Duke: *Nods* Consider it done.

General: We're going to have to bury poor Jaques. He has no family in Zarinda to do it.

Sach: I ain't doin' it! I don't touch anythin' that's dead!

*Danny shakes his head.*

General: (Turns to Duke) What about you, Mr. Coveletske? You seem like a strong sort.

Duke: *nods* I'll help. We can't leave him here.

*The two men lift the body of the valet and take him away.*

(Cut back to the castle. The car drives over the drawbridge. We get a shot of the four men getting out before cutting to the parlor again. General Karkoff paces. Sach leans against the mantel, playing with the figurines there. Charelton sits on a couch.)

*Duke is eyeing Sach, pleading for him to be careful with the figurines.*

General: This leaves us in a tremendous bind. We can't ask for help in finding the King without revealing that this isn't the king.

Charleton: (Shrugs) We can't...but neither can Michael. If he kills the King, Danny will still be on the throne. Not to mention, it will look very obvious.

*Danny, for once, sits back quietly, listening intently.*

Duke: Which means the only thing we can do is rescue the King somehow. Besides, I'm starting to get worried about Danny posing as the King.

*Danny's eyes narrow a bit, questioningly.*

General: What do you mean?

Sach: Yeah! He's havin' a great time!

Duke: He's getting too carried away with it.

Danny: I am not!

Duke: Then why do you get stars in your eyes around the Princess?

Danny: *Shortly* I'm acting. *normally* That IS what I am, you know.

Charelton: I think I understand. You do realize, Danny, that the Princess is engaged to the King?

Danny: I know that! I can't very well push her away because she isn't MY girl when I'm supposed to be the King!

General: Just don't get too close.

Charelton: (He pats Danny on the back) I understand. I'm seeing one of her ladies-in-waiting myself.

*Danny mumbles something about getting too close if he wants to. Duke raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.*

Danny: I have to play the King, and the King ain't a prude, so I'm gonna play it right. *stands up* If you guys don't like my acting job, then get someone else to do it! *turns on his heel and leaves the room*

Duke: *Sighs* That went well.

Sach: I'll go talk to him. He likes me. (He heads after him)

General: I hope Mr. Jones can talk some sense into him. We're going to need him.

Duke: I wonder if he still has any sense. Danny's a good fellow, but...well, sometimes it's hard to figure out what's going on in his head.

General: So I've noticed. I just hope we can find the King in time...for his sake's and Mr. Kaminsky's.

(We fade out on worried looks on the three men's faces.)