(We open with the train as it pulls into the station. Slip helps Sally off the train.)

Sally: Thank you, Slip.

Slip: *Grins at her* Yer welcome, Sal.

Mama: (She helps Louie off the train) Here you go, honey.

Louie: Thank you, dearest. (Takes a deep sniff) My, but it's good to be back in Bowery Canyon. I can't wait to see how things are going at the bar.

Sach: Who's gonna help me off the train?

Slip: You can help yerself.

Sach: Oh, very well. (He steps...and misses the step and lands flat on his face) Ow! Oooh, my nose! My nose! (Turns to Slip, rubbing his nose) Chief, is my nose broken?

Slip: What would it matter? It could only improve yer looks.

Louie: You're fine, Sachula.

Sach: (Hugs Louie) I knew he cared about me.

Slip: *sighs* Sach! Get over here!

Sach: (Does as told) Yes, Chief.

Sheila: Well, who's going to help ME off the train? Where's Wallace?

Sach: (He runs to her side) I'll do it! Oh boy, I get to help a lady!

Sheila: Good. Take my things. (The porter dumps a pile of suitcases into Sach's arms. He almost buckles under their weight. She shakes her head.) Maybe I'd better take one. (She picks the smallest hat box off the top.) There. Better?

Sach: Uh, yeah. Great. (He staggers away as she gets off the train.)

*Slip plants his fists on his hips, making a face.*

Sheila: (Turns to Mama) You and I need to go back to Bowery Canyon. We need to talk about these outlaws.

Mama: Yes, we'll do that. I want to talk to you about more than the outlaws.

Sheila: (She waves at Slip) You and your friend can ride with me into town, but you won't be needed after that. You were useless here, anyway.

Slip: *Opens his mouth, but thinks better of himself; puts on a forced smile and a fake high society accent* I do appreciate the offer, my dear lady, but my boon companion and I have our own mode of transportation.

Sheila: (Pats him on the head) Very well. Tell your friend to leave my things in my vehicle. Wallace should be back with the rest of our baggage shortly.

*Slip's forced smile turns into a grimace as a growl forms in the back of his throat. Steam is practically coming out his ears.*

Sally: (Mutters to him) Calm down. I'm going to take Uncle home. You go get your arm checked out. I mean it.

Slip: *Mutters back* I'm tryin', Sally, really I am.

Sally: You'll just give yourself away if you blow up at her now.

Slip: That's why I'm tryin'.

Louie: (Takes Sally's arm) We'll take the stagecoach back to town. You ladies go on to the Jail House.

Sheila: (Wrinkles her nose) I won't sit in that dirty jail house to discuss business! We'll use the Mayor's House. It's far more business-like.

Mama: (Sighs) Fine. (Turns to Slip) I'll meet you boys at the Jail House later, and we'll talk about what happened on the train.

Slip: *Nods* Yes, Mama.

Sach: (He dumps the luggage in Sheila's carriage, then joins Slip) We gonna go to the Cave, Chief?

Slip: Yeah, we are. We need to reconoiter.

Sach: Yeah. Gotta talk to the guys, too.

Slip: *Smacks Sach* That's what I just said!

Sach: Oh.

Slip: C'mon.

Sach: And don't forget, we gotta go see the doctor when we get in.

Slip: I don't need to see no doctor.

*Slip and Sach continue arguing as we cut over to Sally and Louie going off in the stagecoach, headed for the saloon. We follow their stagecoach along the dirt road, then see another stagecoach come out of nowhere and alongside theirs. It pulls up in front and stops them. Men with guns get out and surround the stagecoach. Sally and Louie put their hands up as a couple men climb into their stagecoach. The other pulls away and the hijacked stagecoach follows it.*

(Cut to the cave. Ol' Lucy sits just outside, alongside another, smaller cart. The camera moves to inside. Butch and Whitey are already there, chatting. Chuck, Slip, and Sach enter.)

Chuck: I got some darn good interviews, even after the train ride!

Butch: Well, THAT'S good news.

Slip: There ain't much else that's good news, though. *plops himself into a chair*

Whitey: Oh, it went that well!

Butch: What happened? (Frowns) Slip, what's with your arm?

Slip: *Waves it off* Got nickled in a gun fight.

Sach: A bunch of guys tried to rob the train. They got away, Chiefy got hurt, an' Sally found out who we are!

Butch: They got away?

Whitey: Did they get away with anything they robbed?

Slip: Some of that Saunders dame's jewels. She was awful mad. She was askin' a lotta questions. I think she knows 'bout us.

Butch: What's she got against us?

Slip: She don't like us buttin' in. And she don't like the way I talk.

Whitey: *Scratches his head* What's wrong with the way you talk?

Butch: I think you talk nice!

Chuck: I don't hear anything wrong, either. *shrugs*

Slip: *Waves it off* It ain't nutin' I'm worryin' about.

Butch: You said Sally knows? How did she find out?

Sach: Caught the Chief with his pants down.

Slip: It weren't my pants.

(That's when we hear a shot ring out over Sach's head. Sach immediately jumps up and tries to take off.)

Sach: The Indians are comin', Chief! Head for the hills! (Slip grabs the back of his shirt.)

Slip: SACH!

Chuck: What was that?

Slip: Dunno, but I ain't likin' the looks of it.

(A group of at least 15 bandits storm into the room. They swarm around the five young men.)

Wallace: (He points a gun at Slip) Well, hello there, Lone Disarrangers. We meet again.

Slip: Oh, this ain't fair. You know you guys is outnumbered, right?

Chuck: *Warningly* Chief, these guys mean business!

Slip: So do I.

Butch: Chief, don't do anythin' crazy. :

Wallace: He can't. He can't move his shootin' arm.

Slip: I can move my arm just fine. *draws his gun; he winces, but holds his gun steady*

Wallace: Sure you can.

*Slip aims and fires, but his shot goes wild as the kickback hurts the already injured arm.*

(Wallace throws a quick punch to Slip's head.)

*Slip just barely manages to miss the clip to his temple. The punch hits his cheek instead and he goes down to his knees.*

Slip: *Mutters* Cheap shot. *He starts to get up, looking to aim a punch, but as soon as he's back on his feet, he crumbles.*

Wallace: (He smirks at Slip) Not so smart-mouthed now, are ya, boy? (Nods at his men) Round up the rest.

Sach: Hey! (As one picks up him) Get your hands off me! I bruise easily! I have to write a letter to my mother! I don't look good six feet under ground!

*Chuck swings fists at one man after him, but two more grab him and force him down.*

(Butch tries to kick at another, but the man knocks his feet out from under him. The men drag him to his feet.)

*Whitey just throws his hands in the air and lets the men grab him.*

Wallace: That's all of them. (He yanks Slip to his feet.) Our boss. the Black Falcon, wants us to get rid of ya meddlers for good.

*Slip just sags in Wallace's arms, out cold.*

Sach: Slip! Slip! Terrence! Chiefy! Speak to me!

Butch: What did you do to Slip?

Wallace: He's just out. (Smirks) But you're all gonna be out when we get done with ya. Boys, tie them together.

(The four are shoved on the floor and tied together, back to back. Wallace ties Slip up separately, making sure to put extra pressure on his wound.)

*The only response from Slip is an occasional minor wince from the pressure.*

Wallace: Ok, boys, set up the dynamite.

Butch: Dynamite!

Chuck: You can't do that!

*Whitey starts crying.*

Sach: What about the Chief?

Butch: (Kicks Slip in the chest) We'll leave your great mastermind here, where he can't jump up and save you boys.

*Slip grunts, but does nothing else.*

Chuck: You won't get away with this!

Wallace: You don't know the Black Falcon, boy. You've messed with our boss for the last time.

Chuck: Wanna tell us who the Black Falcon is, since we won't be around much longer?

Wallace: Sorry, can't tell ya that. Sworn to the grave, ya know.

Chuck: It was worth a try.

Wallace: (Turns to one of his men) Is the dynamite in place?

Man #1: Yes, sir.

Wallace: Good. Let's get outta here, before it blows. (Smirks; to the boys) So long, suckers. See you in hell. (They take off.)

Chuck: We hafta do somethin'!

*Whitey's still crying.*

Butch: (Gently nudges Whitey) Don't worry, man. We'll find a way out of this!

Chuck: We hafta try untyin' each other.

Sach: Guys, I just remembered! I think I have Chief's knife in my back pocket! I borrowed it to pick my teeth when we rode over here! Boy, was Chiefy sore.

Chuck: Then pull it out!

Sach: (He tries to reach his back pocket, to little avail; then) Uhh...can someone reach my back pocket?

Whitey: *Still whimpering, but he reaches for the knife* I'm tryin'... *finally grin* I got it!

Chuck: Great! Now, get us free before we get blown to bits!

Whitey: Oh! *starts cutting at Sach's ropes*

Sach: Do it fast, please. We still gotta do the Chief. (Nods at Slip) Chuck, you're the closest to him. Does the Chief look ok?

Chuck: *Sighs* He's still breathin', but not much else at the moment.

*Whitey finishes Sach's ropes, freeing him.*

Chuck: Hurry, fellas!

Sach: Thanks. (He quickly pulls another knife out of a drawer) Glad I put this in the wrong place. (He unties Whitey) You finish the other two. I'm gonna do the Chief.

Whitey: Will do! *starts to free Chuck next*

*Whitey frees Chuck, then frees Butch.*

Sach: (Slaps Slip's cheeks) Speak to me, Chief! We're about to be blown to bits!

*Slip just winces, groaning a little.*

Chuck: *Joins Sach* At least he's still responsive.

Sach: Yeah. (Looks up at Chuck as he removes his ropes) That's good, isn't it?

Chuck: Yeah, it is good.

Sach: (Smiles) Ok. (He tries to get Slip to his feet, but he almost knocks him down) Whoooa! Chief's been eating too many of Louie's banana splits lately. I've got to get him to start eatin' less. We'll start him slow. He can leave the cherry off the banana split...whoa again! (Almost falls in the other way) Could someone help me here?

Chuck: *Sighs* Sach, really, I'm right here! You take that side. I'll take this side with the wound.

Sach: Ok, that's a good idea. You know how to be more delicate. (He does as told.)

Butch: Come on, guys! The dynamite will go off any second!

Whitey: We gotta go!

Chuck: C'mon!

(The boys make it out just in time. Seconds after they hurry out and dive behind a cliff, there's a massive explosion that rocks the cliff side and buries the entrance of the Cave in rubble.)

Sach: (Coughs as they brush dust and rocks off each other) Is everybody ok? Did we lose anyone back there?

Chuck: *Brushes himself off* I'm okay.

Whitey: I'm here. How about you, Butch?

Butch: (Coughs a little) Yeah, I'm here. Got the Chief?

Slip: *Faintly* Wha's all the racket?

Sach: Chief, don't worry. The Cave just got blown up. No problem.

Slip: Oh. *several seconds pass, then* The cave blew up!? *makes a move to sit up, but groans* Shouldn'ta done that.

Sach: No, you shouldn't have. (Sighs) Chief, we've gotta get you to a doctor. And don't say "no." You don't look so good.

Butch: (Nods) You've already lost a lot of blood.

Slip: *Sighs* I'm seein' three-a Sach. That's enough ta make anyone see a doctor.

Chuck: We oughta get movin'.

Sach: Yeah. Lucy an' Butch's cart look ok.

Whitey: Good. I wanna get outta here.

Sach: Ok, Whitey, you and Butch take the other cart to the Jail House. If Mama's not there, go to the Mayor's House and tell her that we were ambushed.

Whitey: Right!

*Whitey and Butch go to the cart and take off.*

Chuck: Okay, Chief, we gotta get you to Lucy.

Slip: Do what ya gotta. I ain't in no mood ta argue.

Sach: (They load Slip as gently into the back of Lucy as they can) Here you go, Chief. (Puts his coat under his head) Feel better?

Slip: *Sarcastically* Peachy.

Chuck: *Sighs* Let’s go, Sach.

Sach: Ok. (He flicks the reins. Both carts head out as we fade out on the scene.)