*We open back on the train as the boys, still dressed as the Lone Disarrangers, head back to the car. Chuck follows them, notepad in hand just in case anyone sees them together.*

Sheila: (She meets them when they return to the car) Did you get my jewels back?

Slip: No, we wasn't able to. The crooks ran off.

Sheila: (Indicates Slip's arm, which is wrapped with a handkerchief) What happened to that?

Slip: One of those goons got trigger wacky.

Sach: Yeah! They hurt the chi...uh, they really hurt him, too!

Sheila: (Raises an eyebrow) Oh they did, did they? I thought you were a crack shot.

Slip: I am. Never said I was good at dodgin' bullets.

Chuck: Just wanted to thank you fellas for the exclusive. *nods to Sheila* Excuse me, please. *heads off*

Slip: Perhaps we should be movin', too...

Sheila: (Holds up her hands and stops Slip; Sach runs into him) Oh no. You two aren't going anywhere. I have a lot of questions I want to ask you. First of all, where are those other two deputies of Mama's? I haven't seen them since you arrived.

Slip: *Shrugs* How should we know? We ain't their keepsakes.

Sach: Yeah? How should we know?

Sheila: It seems awfully strange that you're here and they're not.

Slip: Perhaps they're hidin' somewhere?

Sheila: Where? Trains aren't exactly filled with hiding places.

Slip: I dunno! Why don'tcha ask 'em!?

Slip: Matter-a fact, we'll go get 'em for ya.

Sheila: Oh no, you won't. Why are you doing this? What's your interest here? What do you want?

Slip: We're doin' this to put criminals behind bars where they belong.

Sheila: You don't have any other motives? Perhaps to find the Black Falcon?

Slip: What's that matter to you?

Sheila: I just want to know why you keep interfering with the law in this town.

Slip: We ain't interfurrin'.

Sheila: Who ARE you? You look so familiar...

Slip: We ain't nobody.

Sach: (Smirks) A lot of people tell me I look like Ronald Colman. Wanna hear my impression?

Sheila: No.

Slip: Do it anyway.

Sach: Ok! (He leans against her) Oh Miss Saunders, my love, I've watched you from afar these many days, you and your tiny feet and your shoehorn dresses, and I love you, my darling.

*Slip smirks, folding his arms.*

Sheila: (Pushes him away) Get off of me, you fool!

Sach: What, you didn't like it?

Sheila: You...you think you're so smart. You stick your nose where you aren't wanted.

Slip: Yer the only one that don't want us, lady.

Sheila: I'm the law in this territory, and I say you aren't wanted.

Sach: You're not the law in Bowery Canyon! That's Mama!

Slip: You ain't the law, so it don't matter what you want.

Mama: (She, Louie, Sally, and Chuck join Sheila) What's going on?

Sally: (Gasps and takes Slip's arm) Oh my god, you're hurt! Are you ok? What happened?

Louie: Are you all right? Maybe we should find a doctor...

Slip: It ain't nutin'. Just a little flesh wound. We fought off some robbers who was a little trigger wacky.

(Sheila narrows her eyes, watching Louie, Slip, and Sally with interest.)

Sally: Where are the robbers now? Mama couldn't find them. (Frowns) Have you seen Slip or Sach around? I've been wanting to talk to Slip. (She smiles) I miss him.

Louie: Where are those boys, anyway? We didn't see them in California, either.

Mama: They're probably playin' cards in the baggage car or somethin'.

Slip: We ain't seen 'em. And the robbers got away, off the train.

Mama: Damn it! We turned two of the robbers over to the federal marshal in California, but from what you say, we lost the rest.

Sheila: I'm very disappointed in all of you, especially regarding your track record. Plus, I lost jewels.

Slip: *Shakes a fist* Incineratin' our track record, we oughta be allowed a bad day once or twice!

Sheila: First of all, the word is "considering." Second, I expected better of you.

Mama: No one's perfect, ma'am.

Slip: I was usin' the past tense!

Louie: Even their vocabulary.

Sheila: No, you weren't. You don't know what you're saying.

Slip: *Fuming* You wanna say that again, lady?

Sheila: "Incinerating" and "Considering" are two entirely different words.

Louie: Please, this is a bad place to fight over how you say something...

Slip: Lady, your vocabulary is almost as condensed as mine!

Sheila: I don't think anyone's is.

Mama: Ok, you two. (Grabs Slip's shoulder and Sheila's arm) Enough. This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone argue over.

Slip: *Struggles* Mama, lemme at 'er! Just gimme two minutes, and I'll show 'er a thing or three!

Sheila: (Smirks) You'd fight an unarmed woman? You're nothing but a stupid, illiterate goon.

Slip: You ain't unarmed.

Mama: She's got a point, son. (Glares at Sheila) But she ain't helpin'. Since when were you perfect?

Sheila: At least I know when to use the right words.

Sally: Leave him alone! That's the way he talks, and I like it!

Sach: Yeah, lady! What's it to ya?

Slip: *Still struggling* Jus' one minute, Mama!

Mama: First of all, we're on a train. Second, she is a woman, and she is unarmed. She doesn't have any weapons on her. Third, this is a really dumb thing to argue over.

Louie: I think so, too. Why don't we go find Slip and Sach, and maybe have a cup of tea?

Slip: Eh! *pulls his arm from Mama's grip and storms out of the car*

Sach: Uh, excuse me. I gotta go make sure he doesn't hurt his arm or somethin'. (Calls after him) Wait up!

Sally: (Turns to Sheila) Why were you so hard on him?

Sheila: I think they're up to something. I just want to figure out what.

Mama: You didn't need to bait the boy like that.

Sheila: He should learn how to talk. If he's going to go around using those long words, he should say them correctly.

Sally: Mama's right. You're not perfect, either. What do you have against the Lone Disarrangers?

Louie: I've wondered that, too.

Mama: So have I. Your crusade against them makes no sense.

Sheila: You're taking their side?

Mama: They've helped us. You've just lost jewels and yelled at everyone.

Sheila: I am marshal of this territory!

Mama: You ain’t a very good one.

Sally: (Sighs) I'm going to find the boys. I want to talk to Slip.

(Cut to the boys' berth. Sach is laying in his bunk, already changed.)

Sach: Chief, are you sure you're ok? Your arm was bleeding a lot. Maybe we really should see a doctor when we get into Bowery Canyon.

Slip: *Calls from the tiny bathroom* If I told ya once, I told ya three times, it's fine!

Sach: But there was a lot of blood!

Slip: *Steps out of the bathroom; he's still wearing the Disarranger pants & is inspecting his shirt* Yeah, and most of it's on the shirt. That's ruined.

Sach: We'll find someone to make another one.

Sally: (From outside the door; knock) Hi, guys. You in there?

Sach: (Eyes widen) Chief, it's Sally! You've gotta get that shirt off!

Slip: *Eyes widen* I can hear that, Sach! *goes back into the tiny bathroom* I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but get ridda 'er! *closes the door*

Sach: (He pokes his head out) Uh, hi, Sally. We're really busy right now. Can you come back next year?

Sally: (She grabs the door before Sach can close it) Oh no, you don't. What's going on in there?

Sach: Chiefy ain't wearin' no clothes! You don't wanna see him like that until your weddin' night!

Sally: Why? I think he'd be cute naked. (She shoves her way past Sach and into the berth)

Slip: *Comes out in his regular clothes* Sach, did you get ridda...

Sally: (Grins) Hi, Slip. Darn, I was hoping you'd be naked... (Frowns when she sees the blood seeping through his shirt) Honey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?

Slip: Oh, well, I... *Looks down at his arm* I, uh... cut myself shavin'.

Sally: You shave your arm?

Slip: I... I... aye yi yi...

Sally: (She pulls up his sleeve and inspects the wound) It looks like a gunshot wound. Looks pretty bad...

Slip: It's nutin', Sal.

Sally: It's a gunshot wound! It's not "nutin'!" It must hurt pretty bad. (Looks at him thoughtfully) When were you in a gun battle?

Slip: Uh, I, well, we... uh... Sach!?

Sach: We, uh, thought we'd try to help the Lone Disarrangers with those bad bandits!

Sally: They never mentioned seeing you there! Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen the four of you together in the same place at the same time...

Slip: Bad timin'.

Sally: No. Slip, did you know the shorter Lone Disarranger speaks in the same way you do? (Smirks) The same way you were just arguing about with Sheila Saunders.

Sach: We're busted, Chief.

Slip: But she started it!

Sally: First of all, you both behaved like children. Second, you just gave yourself away. You two are the Lone Disarrangers. You weren't there when Sheila and the Disarrangers had that argument.


Slip: *Turns to Sach* Why didn't ya stop me!?

Sach: You woulda just hit me with your hat!

Sally: That's probably true.

Slip: Alright. We are the Lone Disarrangers. We just wanted to be of some help. No one took us serious as the deputies.

Sach: Yeah, just 'causa the way we talk an' act, people think we're dummies.

Sally: (Takes Slip's hand) I don't. I've known you two were the Lone Disarrangers for a while now, but I couldn't be certain.

Slip: Yer one-a the few that don't, Sal.

Sally: You're so much smarter than you let on. (Looks up) You too, Sach.

Sach: Awww. Thanks, Sal.

Slip: No one can be as dumb as he looks.

Sach: Thanks to you too, Chief!

Slip: I know I don't need ta ask ya, but, we really need ta keep this between us, Sal.

Sally: (Squeezes his hand) I understand. I don't want someone like Sheila Saunders getting a hold of you. She's determined to get rid of the Lone Disarrangers. (Makes a face) I wish I knew why.

Sach: Maybe she wants our autograph?

Sally: Not the way she's carrying on. I think she has something to hide.

Slip: I know she does...

Sally: Maybe someone ought to follow her, or at least keep an eye on her when she's in town. (Stands) And I'm the woman to do it.

Sach: Sally, maybe you shouldn't.

Slip: But, Sal...

Sally: I'm the only one who can. If you guys follow her, she'll get even more suspicious than she probably already is.

Slip: I know yer a tough gal, but I think this dame's got som'en dangerous up her sleeve.

Sally: I can take care of myself, Slip. You get that arm mended. I know you're a tough guy, but you won't be able to shoot a jackrabbit with your arm looking like that.

Slip: I know you can, Sal. Just be careful. *pauses* I might get this looked at.

Sally: (Kisses him) You WILL get that looked at. Or I'll send Mama after 'ya.

Slip: *Grins* I will.

Sally: You do that. (There's a whistle) I think we're pulling into Bowery Canyon. Why don't I go get Uncle Louie and we see if we can invite Sheila to dinner, and you talk to Mama? Maybe you three can find out something on her.

Slip: Okay...

Sally: (Gives him another kiss on the cheek) See you at Uncle's. We'll have dinner together. (She waves and heads out)

Sach: Chief? Chiefy? (Waves his hand in front of his face) Boy, the loss of blood is really makin' you dizzy!

Slip: *Sighs* Sally...

Sach: Chief, where are you? (Yells in his ear) Cheif, are you in there?

Slip: *Winces* Sach! What're you yellin' for?!

Sach: Chief, you were gone. Sally was here...and took your mind with her.

Slip: *Ignores the comment* C'mon, we gotta get movin'.