(We open in a field just outside of Bowery Canyon. There are several shooting targets set up on one end of the field. Men line up on the other end.)

Mama: (She, Slip, and Sach stand on one side, watching people as they enter) This was a great idea that the Lone Disarrangers came up with. Mayor Dudley not only loved it, he said they're gonna use the money from the entrance fee to contribute to the fund for the new, larger school building.

Sally: (She and Louie join them) Uncle Louie, I'll be fine. You know I'm a good shot.

Louie: Sally, you're like my daughter. I promised your parents back east I'd take care of you.

Sally: I'm just participating in a shooting contest!

Mama: You still enterin'?

Sally: Of course, I am! And I'm gonna win.

Louie: (Turns to Slip and Sach) Hello, boys. You entering the contest?

Slip: I dunno. I hear there's some tough competition. *smiles at Sally*

Sally: You're a pretty good shot, Slip. Maybe you should.

Slip: You know what, Sally? How about I be yer cheerin' section, hmmmm?

Sally: (Smiles) I couldn't ask for a better one. (Gives him a kiss on the cheek and goes to join the men in the line)

Mama: I think she's sweet on ya, Slip.

Sach: She's more than sweet. She's crazy 'bout him.

*Slip is in a daze and grinning like a fool.*

Louie: Slip? Slip? (Waves his hand in front of his face)

Sach: You won't get his attention. Sally does that to him.

Butch: (As he, Chuck, and Whitey join them; grins) Don't tell me. Sally said she liked him.

Sach: She kissed him.

Butch: You old dog!

Chuck: So how do we bring him back to earth?

Louie: I hate to point this out, boys, but we're blocking the entrance. Why don't we go get a seat, and let these three do their jobs?

Sach: I'll do it. (Shakes Slip's arm) Hey Chiefy, we've got things to do. Mind joining the rest of us?

Slip: *Blinks* Huh?

Sach: Oh there you are, Chiefy! I thought you were somewhere on Cloud Nine.

Butch: (As they pull Slip and Sach away from the entrance) Have you guys seen anyone who could be the Black Falcon yet?

Sach: (Looks around) I've seen dozens of really shady characters that look bad enough to be him! (Smirks) Chiefy's seen Sally.

Slip: Yeah, I did. *shakes his head and smacks Sach* Stop it! I need to focus, ya crazy moron.

Sach: You're focusing on Sally.

Butch: Maybe we ought to get away from her... (Looks up as an ornate carriage pulls up to the field) Hey, who's that?

Sach: Must be some big-shot.

Slip: Bigger than that, I'd say. Perhaps we oughta greet them.

Mama: (Nods) Yeah. Looks like they might need some help.

(A man in a fancy blue and white suit with a large star badge on his chest steps out of the carriage. The first shot after that is of a dainty ankle in a fancy shoe with a bow on it stepping on the ground. The camera eventually goes all the way up to reveal a redheaded woman in a long pale-green gown trimmed with ruffles and lace. She wears a matching hat covered with flowers and bows and carries a large ruffled parasol.)

Marshal Cornwall: (Nods at the group) My dear, this is Sheriff Gertrude Dumbrowski, her deputies Terrence Mahoney and Horace Jones, and three of the local boys, Whitmore Johnson, Bartholemew Williams, and Charles Mahoney.

Woman: Charmed, I'm sure. (Turns to Mama) Is this your whole police force?

Mama: They do just fine, ma'am. Slip and Sach are good boys.

Woman: They may be good boys, but how are they with catching criminals?

Slip: We do just fine, thank you.

Mama: What's with all the questions, ma'am?

Cornwall: Sheriff, Miss Saunders is your new boss.

Mama: Come again?

Miss Saunders: I just became the first female Marshall of the Nevada Territory. I intend to clean up these lawless little hamlets. (Makes a face) Starting with these rash of burglaries I've heard about in this area. Appalling!

Mama: Oh, we've had those under control, thanks to the Lone Disarrangers.

Miss Saunders: I don't trust those men. Who are they? What do they want?

Mama: If you find out, tell us. They seem to be the type who rescue and run. They saved my own husband's bar and my niece yesterday!

Miss Saunders: I want you to capture those men.

Mama: (As they make their way to the stands, where people sit to watch the contest) But...but Miss Saunders...Marshall....they've done nothing wrong!

Miss Saunders: Very well. If you can't arrest them, find out more about them. I want to know what their game is. (Points a finger at Slip) You! Little one! Do you know anything about the Lone Disarrangers?

Slip: *Voice is about three octaves higher than it should be* Me!? *clears his throat* Me? No, I don't know nutin' about 'em.

Sach: Why would we know anythin' about those guys?

Miss Saunders: (Frowns) Hmmm. You probably don't know what two times two is.

Sach: I do too! (Counts on his fingers) Um, lemme see... (counts more) ...and carry the one...

Slip: Don't strain yerself, Sach.

Miss Saunders: (Turns to Mama) Your law enforcement can barely count?

Mama: I didn't say they were brilliant scholars. I said they were good at their jobs.

Miss Saunders: Well, go do your jobs! Go watch out for those bandits, not to mention the Lone Disarrangers! (Points to Gabe, who is trying to flirt with Sally again) Who's he?

Sach: Just some guy who's in love with Sally. Chiefy's jealous.

Mama: Sally's my niece.

Slip: *Glares in Gabe's direction* I'll take care-a him.

Miss Saunders: Just keep an eye on him for now. I don't trust him.

Mama: (As the former Marshall leads Miss Saunders to the stands) It was nice to meet you, ma'am! (Makes a face to the boys) What a bitch!

Sach: I don't like her.

Slip: Som'en screwy's goin' on here.

Sach: Yeah! No woman can walk around with a foot that little!

Mama: (Nods) I agree, Slip. I know who she is. She's the richest woman in the whole Nevada Territory. Her daddy owns steel mills back east. She's said to be a real stickler for law and order.

Sach: We got law n' order! We're the law, and all the buildin's are always in order!

Mama: Don't bother with the Lone Disarrangers, Slip. I don't think they're the problem. Keep an eye on her and that fellow in black. If there's one thing I do agree on, it's that there's somethin' goin' on with him. He's askin' too many questions.

Slip: I was thinkin' the exact same thing, Mama.

Sach: Yeah, 'cause he likes Sally, too.

Mama: Don't let your feelin's for my niece interfere with your job, Slip...but do watch out for that man. There's somethin' strange about him.

Slip: Nutin's gonna interfere wit' my thinkin'. I think Sach and me oughta start keepin' an eye on them right now.

Mama: You do that. I'm gonna go back to the entrance and make sure nobody suspicious has slipped in while we've been jawin'. (She does so.)

Sach: We gonna go make sure that guy ain't tryin' to kiss Sally?

Slip: *Smacks Sach* I ain't as worried about him as those two what just made fools of us.

Sach: What, the lady with the tiny feet? She'd be pretty if she wasn't mean. I don't think she likes us very much. (Makes a face) And she really doesn't like the Lone Disarrangers.

Slip: There's som'en that ain't right about her, and I don't mean her feet.

Sach: Yeah! How does she breathe in that tight dress? I never see Mama an' Sally wear nuthin' like that!

Slip: I'd sure like to see Sally in som'en like that... *shakes his head and smacks Sach again* Quit distractin' me and get movin’!

Sach: Right, Chief! (As he follows Slip, the camera moves from them to Sally and Gabe. She's checking her gun and making sure it's all right.)

Sally: (As she looks into her barrel) What brings you here?

Gabe: Thought I'd try my hand at the contest, since it's only for sport.

Sally: (Nods) The money raised is going to expand the local school. There's been so many settlers moving into this area lately, we don't have room for all the kids anymore. (She blows into her gun) What brings you to this area, anyway, other than clearing out everyone playing Go-Fish?

Gabe: A change of scenery. I don't like stayin' in one place for too long.

Sally: When are you going to move on?

Gabe: I don't know. I may even decide to stay.

Sally: Gonna get a job? (She fires at a target...and hits it dead center) Mama could use some help. Maybe you'd make a good lawman.

Gabe: I think I might. *pauses* You're an excellent shot. Who taught you to shoot?

Sally: Mama did. She's one of the best shots around, but she can't join the contest, since she's judging it.

Gabe: And you're a chick off the block.

Sally: I can only hope to be as half as good as Mama someday. (Frowns) Too bad Slip didn't want to enter. He's pretty good himself. Mama and his mama were friends; they taught both of us. Sach was hopeless, but Chuck and Slip got pretty good. (Points to Slip and Sach) Here they come now! (She waves to them) Hello, boys! My cheering section is here!

Slip: *As he and Sach join them* Hiya, Sally. *ignores Gabe* We're goin' to keep an eye on the Miss Saunders lady so we can't stick around. *smiles at her then starts away*

Sach: Yeah, so you don't kiss him and make him cra.... (But Slip yanks Sach away before he can finish.)

Sally: (Laughs, shaking her head) I think they're already crazy.

Gabe: I'm inclined to agree with that.

Sally: They should be beginning in a few minutes. Why don't you go set up yourself, before it begins without you?

(Gabe nods and goes to line next to her. He pulls out his own gun and seems to inspect it...but he's really watching Slip and Sach as they head to the stands.)

(Cut to a large tree behind the stands. Butch, Whitey, and Chuck are already there.)

Butch: What's the story with that Miss Saunders dame?

Sach: She's mean, and she has tiny feet and a really tight dress, and she don't like the Lone Disarrangers, that's the story!

Slip: She wanted Mama to arrest the Lone Disarrangers, but Mama put that to an end. There's som'en really rotten about that Saunders dame. I want you three to keep an eye on her.

Butch: Do you think she's an agent of the Black Falcon? He mighta sent a dame to try to sniff us out!

Sach: She weren't sniffin' nuthin! She just didn't like us!

Slip: I'm not so sure.

Butch: (Nods at the others) Come on, guys. Chuck, we could tell her that you're doin' an interview on her.

Chuck: Fine with me. Let’s go.

Sach: Come on, Chiefy! We've gotta go change! ;)

(The camera follows Butch, Whitey, and Chuck as they return to the stands. Sach and Slip go under the stands.)

(Cut to the stands. There's a stand that's really more of a table off to one side. Miss Saunders is currently the only one seated there. Cornwall talks with several people in the stands. Mama and Mayor Dudley, a small, rotund man in a tight suit, discuss the attributes of this or that contestant.)

Miss Saunders: (Looks up as four men join her) It took you long enough.

Wallace: You weren't in a hurry yourself, Sheila.

Sheila: Did you set up the trick guns and targets?

Wallace: Sure. Just like you asked.

Sheila: We're going to win this contest. That money will come in handy for something other than a schoolhouse in this horror of a town. They don't even have a decent department store here!

Wallace: Shocking. (But he rolls his eyes to the other men)

*The other two men just shrug.*

Sheila: Have you seen the Lone Disarrangers yet?

Wallace: Nahh. They'll probably show up at the last minute, if they show at all.

*The other two men shake their heads.*

Sheila: Then keep looking for them! (Points to Gabe) And keep an eye on that one. He knows more than he's telling. He's not just an ordinary stranger, I've figured that much out.

(Two of the men pass Butch, Whitey, and Chuck. The trio watch them.)

Butch: Maybe somebody oughta follow those guys. Whitey, you n' me will go after them. Chuck can interview the Dragon Lady.

Whitey: Okay, Butch.

Chuck: Wish me luck.

Butch: You're gonna need it.

Chuck: Thanks. *heads off*

(Butch and Whitey head off in the other direction after the men. Mama, Cornwall, and Dudley join Sheila at the tables. Dudley goes to a podium next to the tables.)

Dudley: Hello, residents of Bowery Canyon, and welcome to the first annual Bowery Canyon Shootin' Contest! Seven of Bowery Canyon's finest men and women...

Sach: (As a whip flicks across the podium) Don't forget the eighth, Mayor! (Sach and Slip, in their Lone Disarrangers costumes and masks, stride out onto the field; he pats Slip's arm) Here's the best shot in Nevada Territory!

Sheila: (Narrows her eyes) We'll have no last-minute entries. What are you two doing here?

Sach: We're plantin' trees! Whaddaya think? My chief is gonna enter the contest!

Sheila: No, he's not...

Mama: Aw, come on, Miss Saunders! What harm could it do?

Mayor Dudley: Yeah, what harm could it... (Sheila glares at him; he gulps) Well, they did come in late...

Cornwall: Under the circumstances, Miss Saunders, it couldn't hurt to give the boy a chance.

Slip: Besides, I'd already said I'd be joinin' in this here contest, but we're busy and we couldn't get here any earlier.

Sach: So there!

Sheila: Very well.

Mayor Dudley: Well then, I guess...oh, just go join the others!

(Slip takes the target next to Sally as Sach joins Butch and Whitey. Chuck leans over Sheila, trying to distract her from the contest with a hundred questions.)

Butch: (Points to the two guys, who get behind Slip's target) We've gotta stop those guys!

Sach: I've got my whip. You guys go get some rope. They look like they're gonna mess around with those targets. We want Chiefy to win!

Whitey: Okay! C'mon, Butch! (He nods and follows them.)

Mayor Dudley: Ok, everyone, here's round one. Fire!

(Two of the men reach a lever. The lever is attached to the targets, which are on rollers. They're going to move the targets...except for Wallace's...but before the first one can pull a lever, a whip cracks around his arm and drags him over to Sach. A rope knocks the second one to the ground.)

Sach: Ok guys, Routine 3! (The two guys manage to push the rope away and run off, but Sach takes the other one's arms) I got this one. You go get the other two!

Mayor Dudley: (As Mama and Cornwall inspect the targets; they return and give their results) The winner of the first round is...The Lone Disarranger!

(There's a wild cheer from the audience. Sheila Saunders makes a face.)

Sally: (Grins at Slip) You're amazing!

Slip: *Shrugs* It's nutin'.

Sally: You did great! I hope I can do half as good as you did in the next round. (Kisses him on the cheek)

*When Sally breaks away from the kiss, Slip is left in an obvious daze.*

Mayor Dudley: And now, round two! Everybody load em!

Sally: (Grins at Slip) Good luck!

*Slip just makes an unintelligible sound.*

Mayor Dudley: Aaaannnnd...fire!

(This time, the two men have slingshots. They're firing rocks at the backs of people's heads...until three hands reach over the big tree and grab the slingshots out of their reaches.)

Mayor Dudley: (Mama and Cornwall inspect the targets, then join him) The second round goes to Miss Sally Dumbrowski of Dumbrowksi's Bar and Sweet Shop!

(Sally bows for the crowd, which includes much cheering and quite a few wolf whistles.)

*This brings Slip out of his daze. He frowns, at both the calls for Sally and the fact that he missed his shot.*

Slip: *Leans over to Sally* Nice shootin', Sally.

Sally: (Nods) Thank you. You'll do better in the next one....and I'll beat your rear.

*Slip just grins, biting his tongue.*

Sach: (Cut back to the guys in the tree) We've gotta catch these guys, before they really make a mess outta things! (Grins at the apple tree he's sitting in and the slingshot in his hand) I gotta idea. How good are you guys with slingshots?

Whitey: Great!

Sach: (Grabs an apple) Then let's give those guys some applesauce on their heads!

(The men are about to try to move the targets again when they're pelted with apples! The apples keep coming, even as they flee over to the tree. Sach, Whitey, and Butch drop onto them.)

Sach: Routine 3 again! (He grabs one of the men) Oooh, this is an ugly one. (Stuffs the apple into his mouth) Well, I'm gonna go see how the Chief did. Bye! (He runs off as Whitey and Butch take the rope they had before and wrap it around the two men.)

(Cut to the field. Mama and Cornwall have gone to Mayor Dudley. He puts out his hands as Sach joins Slip and Sally.)

Mayor Dudley: Quiet! Attention, please! (At the top of his lungs) QUIIIIEETTTTT! (Shots a gun in the air; the stands immediately quiet down) That's better. We have an announcement to make. It seems we have a tie! The winners are Miss Sally Dumbrowski and the Lone Disarranger!

Sally: (She grabs Slip's arms) Did you hear that? We both win!

Slip: *Grins* I did hear it! What better gal to be tied with!

Mayor Dudley: Would our winners come to the podium please?

(Sally takes Slip's hand as they walk to the podium together. Sheila and Mama both watch this with interest.)

Mayor Dudley: (Gives them both ribbons) As Mayor of Bowery Canyon, let me be the first to congratulate you on your fine shooting. You'll be splitting the cash prize of $500! (He pins a ribbon on each of them and hands them each a check) Don't spend it all in one place!

Sheila: (Pushes Chuck away and goes to Slip as the crowd roars its approval) Hello, Mr. Lone Disarranger. My name is Sheila Saunders. I'm the new law in this town. I want you to know I'll be keeping an eye on you and your partner.

Slip: I depreciate the compliment, Miss Saunders, but I'd defer another girl keep her eye on me.

Sheila: You think you're so clever. One of these days, you're going to make a wrong move...and I'm going to be there to arrest you.

Slip: I don't make wrong moves.

Sheila: We shall see. (That's when Butch and Whitey bring the three men up to the podium.)

Sach: (He joins them) Sheriff, Mr Mayor, we found these guys trying to cheat on the contest! They were makin' all the targets move!

(Sheila narrows her eyes and glares at the men, but says nothing.)

Mama: Is this true?

Man #1: We had our orders!

Mama: From whom?

Man #2: We ain't talkin' without a lawyer!

Mama: We'll get you a lawyer. Right now, though, what you'll be getting is a nice, comfy home-away-from-home in the cell at the Jail House.

Sach: (Mutters to Slip) Maybe we oughta go, 'for Mama wonders where we've been.

Slip: *Nods and mutters back* Let’s go.

Sally: Don't go! Don't... (But the boys hurry off as she starts after him. Gabe joins her.) Did you see where they went?

Gabe: *Shakes his head* Sorry, I didn't. What's the matter?

Sally: I won half the money from the contest. I'll probably give it to Uncle for improvements on the bar. I wanted to talk to the Lone Disarranger, but he and his friend took off, and I can't figure out where they went!

Mama: (She joins them with Butch, Whitey, and the three goons) Where are those deputies of mine?

Sally: I don't know. They must still be guarding the gate.

Gabe: I haven't seen them.

(Slip and Sach arrive just as Louie joins the group. Louie hugs Sally hard.)

Louie: You were wonderful, dear! I knew Mama teachin' you to shoot would pay off one day. I wish that Lone Disarranger could have stuck around for me to tell him he's wonderful, too... (Turns to Slip and Sach) Hello, boys! Did you see the contest? Our own little Sally was one of the winners! I'm so proud of her!

Sally: Aw, Uncle...

Slip: We saw. That was some great shootin', Sally. Too bad ya couldn'ta won straight out.

Sally: That's ok. It's amazing to be tied with a shooter as good as the Lone Disarranger. I wonder what happened to him in that second shot? He was way off!

Sach: Yeah, I wonder.

Slip: Maybe he had som'en in his eye.

Mama: (She nods at the men) Help me take these three back to the jail and question them. They were caught trying to cheat.

Sheila: (Joins them) Perhaps I could handle the men? I'll take them into custody myself, Sheriff Dumbrowski.

Louie: (Ogles Sheila) Who's she?

Mama: My new boss. (Glares at Louie)

Louie: (Blushes) Oh. OHHH! Um, yes, well, maybe you should let her do it, if she's your boss.

Sheila: (As Wallace joins them) My man and I will take them into custody. You go find out what's going on with those Lone Disarrangers. (She flounces off)

Sally: Meeooow! What's with her?

Mama: I don't know...but I do know there's something strange about her interest in the Lone Disarrangers. They've done nothing wrong.

Louie: It's a shame for such a pretty woman to be so nasty. (Mama glares at him again; he ducks down)

Mama: I want you boys to follow those "Lone Disarrangers" and see if you can catch up with them. I'm gonna go into town and find out about our new boss.

Slip: Will do, Mama.