(We open in Slip's tiny room in the back of the Boys' apartment in the boarding house. Sally rolls Slip into the room in a wheelchair. She positions him in front of the window next to his bed and hands him a book.)

Sally: There. You guys really do have the nicest view of the neighborhood.

Slip: It's a good thing. *puts his chin in his palm* This stinks.

Sally: Honey, Bernard said it'll heal in a few weeks. You'll be back up and on your feet before you know it! And in the meantime, you have the other boys here to help you, and I'll be over as often as I can.

Slip: I still hate this.

Sally: I know it has to be hard, honey. If it were me stuck in a wheelchair, I'd be whining, too. (She pulls a wrapped box out from behind her back) Look, I got you a present!

Slip: *Accepts the present and gives her a small smile* Thanks, Sal. *unwraps it to reveal a pair of binoculars* To get a better look at the nice view? *He puts the binoculars up to his eyes, looking at Sally. He grins.* Think I got a better view right here.

Sally: Anything interesting?

Slip: *Smirks at Sally* Yer always interestin', Sal.

Sally: (Grins) Thanks. What about neighbors? (Points) Not to be a Peeping Tom, but if you look right, you can see straight into the apartment building across the alley.

(As the camera follows Slip's binoculars, we see things through his lenses...literally.)

Sally: See anything?

*All we see is the empty room through the window.*

Slip: There's nutin' goin' on in there.

Slip: I wonder who's place that is, though? It could get interestin' at night.

(That's when a couple comes in the room. They're probably in their late 30s, early 40s. It's obvious the two are fighting about something. She waggles her finger in his face while he waves his hands.)

Slip: Hang on, two people just came in the room. They look like they're arguin'.

(The two push each other for a bit before the man just gives the woman a shove and finally plops down and watches television.)

Slip: Nice shovin' match.

Sally: I wonder what's going on? I always see those two going at it when I'm over here.

Slip: Dunno. I've heard 'em yellin' at each other sometimes if they got their window open. I open mine and eavesdrop.

Sally: (Sees the woman start cooking dinner...but as she does, she pulls out a letter) I wonder what she's reading? She looks like she's in a much better mood. (The woman does have a small smile on her lips now)

Slip: Dunno.

Sally: Maybe it's a letter from a lover!

Slip: If it is, he must treat her better than the guy watchin' TV.

(The man finally comes in and shakes his fist, then points at the stove. The woman shoves the letter in her pocket and waves him away. It's comin', it's comin'!)

Sally: Whatever that letter is, it's definitely not something she wants him to see. Not that I can blame her.

Slip: This is better than a movie.

(Suddenly, the woman goes to the phone. The man gets up, too, but she gets it first. She nods and talks for a few minutes, then puts the phone down. He puts out his hands. Well, who was it? She talks for a few minutes, then goes into another room. He follows her. After several minutes, they come out again. She's dressed for traveling in a coat and hat and carries a suitcase. They're both arguing again. She finally leaves. He angrily grabs a pot and throws it at the door, but it closes before it can hit anything.)

Slip: She left an' just in the nick of time. He threw a pot, an' mighta hit her if she hadn't been goin' out the door.

Sally: I hope she does have a lover somewhere. What a jerk!

Slip: *Nods* No kiddin'.

Sach: (He comes in with an armload of bags) Hi, Chief! I brought you dinner from Hy's Hamburger Heaven down the street! I love that guy. I can feel the grease soaking through the bags already! (Sees where they're looking) What're ya starin' at? Is someone tap dancin' over there or somethin'?

(Across the way, the man is on the phone, making calls. His face gets darker with every call he makes.)

Slip: Nah, a couple was havin' a fight.

Sach: Which couple? I don't see nuthin! (Dumps the food on the tray Sally set up)

Sally: The woman already left. (Frowns as the man angrily kicks the side of the stove) Whatever that guy is hearing on the phone, he doesn't like it.

Slip: An' you guys thought I have a bad temper.

Sach: (As the man grabs his hat and coat and storms out) Geez, that guy doesn't look happy.

Sally: We're hoping his wife walked out on him.

Sach: Well, it's his fault. He should watch his temper. (He picks up two bags) Now, do you want the Heavenly Fish Filet Sandwich or the Slice of Heaven Turkey Roaster?

Slip: Turkey.

Sach: Catch, Chief! (He tosses Slip the bag) How about you, Sal? Hy makes the best Chicken Club Sandwich!

Sally: Um, no. I think I'll pass. Hy's food gives me heartburn.

Sach: So, how are you feelin', Chief?

Slip: I can't kick.

Sach: No kiddin'. (He knocks on the cast) Yup, solid. When did Bernie say he'd let ya out?

Slip: *Makes a face* Coupla weeks.

Sach: (Grins) Can I order the other guys around at Louie's while you're at home?

Slip: No, Sach, you can't.

Sach: Awww. (Grins) Can I make dinner?

Slip: Fine, Sach.

Sach: Ooh, great! I'll finally be able to perfect my recipe for sardines and pig's feet on toast with peanut butter sauce!

Sally: I'll remember to not be here that night.

Sach: You don't know what you're missin', Sal!

Sally: Yes, I do.

Slip: Sach, keep it edible, a'right?

Sach: That's not edible?

Slip: No.

Sach: You just don't know how to live. I still can't believe you guys wouldn't try the yak nose I fried once. I loved it!

Sally: (Raises an eyebrow) The what? Slip, tell me he didn't really serve you guys fried yak nose.

Sach: Of course I did!

Slip: He did.

Sally: Well, I'm going to head to Uncle Louie's for my shift tonight. (She leans over and gives Slip a kiss) I'll be around tomorrow after the lunch shift. I'll even bring you something.

Slip: Okay. Thanks, Sal.

Sally: Anytime, hon. You'd do the same for me. (She squeezes his shoulder and heads out of the room.)

Sach: She's a right girl. You picked a good woman, Chiefy.

Slip: *Nods* I sure did.

Sach: I'm gonna toss the bags an' maybe see if somethin's on TV. If you need any help, just give me a holler. I'll be watchin' Gorgeous George in the next room.

Slip: You do that, Sach.

(Sach heads out. Slip turns back to the window. He focuses on the room across from him again. All is dark and quiet for a moment. A second moment. And then...the lights go on, and we see the man from earlier dragging a very large, heavy bag, like a bag of meat. He kicks the bag, then goes to the kitchen and takes out something blunt that is blurred for a minute before he ducks under both Slip's and the camera's view.)

Slip: *Looking through the binoculars again* What the...

(When he comes back up, the bag is covered with something a little reddish...but the blunt object is gone. He drags the bag back out.)

*Slip slowly lowers the binoculars, his brow lowered in thought.*

Slip: *Mutters* What the hell did I just see?

(When the man comes back again, he just happens to look into the window...and sees Slip and his binoculars. He narrows his eyes and lowers the shades.)

Sach: (He comes in) Hey Chief, you won't believe what Gorgeous George just did... (Frowns) Chiefy, are you ok? You look as white as a sheet! My friend Edgar the Ghost had more color than you!

Slip: I just saw som'en in that window over there...and I think he saw me.

Sach: So? We were lookin' in the window earlier. It's just some guy in a bad mood.

Slip: He looked right at me! (Nods) An' see? He lowered the shades!

Sach: (Shrugs) It's late. He wanted to sleep without people peekin' at him.

Sach: What did he do that got you all scared anyway?

Slip: He had a large bag. An' he had some kinda blunt object, but that disappeared, then the bag had a reddish tint...

Sach: Maybe he's a butcher an' brought home some really fresh meat for dinner.

Slip: I doubt he brought the whole cow home, Sach! That bag was huge!

Sach: So maybe there was somethin' in his trash. Remember the time a pigeon got in our trash, and you wouldn't let me keep it?

Slip: Yes, Sach, I remember! *groans* Sach, I think I saw that guy kill someone!

Sach: (Laughs) In this neighborhood? We ain't exactly on Fifth Avenue, but I ain't never heard of people killin' no one here!

Slip: *His eyes widen* It can happen!

Sach: How much pain killer did Bernie give ya?

Slip: *Growls* Sach... *sighs and dips his head, rubbing at his right temple*

Sach: Do you need aspirin?

Slip: Yeah, I could use some.

Sach: Sure thing! (He goes out the door. A few moments later, he comes back with the aspirin and some water.) Here ya go, Chief.

Slip: Thanks. *takes two aspirin and downs them with the water*

Sach: Chiefy, maybe it would help if you went to bed early. Might clear your head.

Slip: *Takes another quick look out the window, then sighs* Yeah, maybe I oughta. Gimme a hand?

Sach: Yeah. (He helps lift Slip into the bed, then pulls out two pairs of pajamas) Which ones do ya want?

Slip: The green stripe.

Sach: Ok, Chief. (Grins) You sure you don't want the ones with the feet?

Slip: Like I'd get the ones with feet over this damn cast!

Sach: Ok, ok! Geez! (Sach tosses Slip his shirt) You do the top and I'll get the bottoms off.

Slip: *Starts working on his shirt* I hate this.

(Fade out as Slip undoes his shirt. When we fade back in, it's the middle of the night. A single shaft of wavery moonlight falls into Slip's room. Slip's leg has been elevated by a mountain of pillows and a rig that hangs from the ceiling. We can hear the soft sound of someone shoveling against the other usual sounds of the city at night.)

*Slip's head lolls on the pillow. He seems restless. Within moments, his eyes open, and he tries to sit up before he remembers his predicament. He sighs, silence reigning. Then he hears the soft sond of the shovel in dirt. He pushes up on his elbows, listening carefully.*

Slip: *glances at his alarm clock* Who the hell's makin' noise at 3:30 in the mornin'?

*Slip eyes the contraption holding his leg up with the utmost disgust, then begins to finagle his leg out of it. As much effort, his foot finally clears the sling. He lands with a soft thud on the mattress. Slip hisses as the jarring shoots up and down his leg. After several moments, he swings both legs over the side of the bed. He pushes himself up on his good leg, then turns and lands, not so gracefully, in the wheelchair. He scowls. Slip then rolls the chair backwards, back over to the window, reclaims his binoculars and looks across the way.*

(The camera follows his lenses downwards. We see a man shoveling...but it looks like he's mostly done. He pulls earth over a few flowers, replanting them.)

Slip: *His breath catches* Now he's shovelin'...

(When the man finishes, he stretches, yawns, and makes for the apartment building.)

Slip: *Lowers the binoculars* What is he up to?

*We fade out as Slip sits back in the wheelchair, thinking about what he just saw.*