*We open about mid-day at Louie's. It's drizzling lightly outside and rather dreary. Inside, we find Danny at the boys' regular table, perching with his chin in his palms and a deep frown on his face.*

Slip: *Sits at the counter, but he's looking at Danny; to Louie who stands behind the counter* Ain't that a pathetic sight, Louie?

Louie: (Shakes his head) Poor boy. I take it he lost his job again.

Slip: *Nods* Yeah, he did. Fifth one this month.

Louie: I don't know how he manages to go through more jobs than Gabe does...but he does.

Slip: An' he always looks so glum about it. Gabe ain't never been that down. Sach an' me have gone through jobs, an' ain't neither of us ever been that down, either.

Louie: Well, you have to remember, he lives alone. He provides for himself. You, Gabe, and the others all have each other.

Slip: There's gotta be som'en we can do. He's too nice a guy.

Louie: What if we made him a special dinner right here?

Slip: *Smirks* Kathy gonna be in?

Louie: Yeah. She'll be taking the evening shift. (He grins wider) I see what you're getting at. He sure does like her, and she's crazy about him.

Slip: Once we finally got Dan off the ceiling.

Louie: I knew we shouldn't have given him that new soda Sachula concocted.

Slip: I coulda strangled Sach for that.

Louie: Sachula likes Danny. He thought he was doing something nice.

Slip: *Sighs* I know... *watches as Danny thumps his head on the table and puts both arms over his head* Geez. Where is Sach, anyway? I ain't good at gettin' through to Dan.

Sach: (Comes out with a banana split; between bites) Hi, guys! (Frowns) What's wrong with ol' Dan? He looks like Kathy broke up with him.

Slip: He lost another job.

Sach: Aww! I don't know why it bothers him. We lose jobs all the time!

Louie: But you have the other guys. He lives alone. He doesn't really have anyone.

Sach: (Puts down his banana split) Well, maybe I ought to cheer him up! (He goes right over to Danny and takes a seat next to him) Hiya, Dan! How's things?

*Danny just whimpers.*

Sach: Want my banana split? I'm gettin' kind of full anyway.

Danny: *Still with his head covered* I'm n-not h-hungry.

Sach: How about a soda, then? Maybe an ice cream soda would make you feel better.

Danny: N-no, th-thanks.

Sach: Aw, come on! You can't stay gloomy the rest of your life. You'll find another job!

Danny: *Sits up* Sach, that was my f-fifth job th-this month! I d-don't know w-what else to d-do! I d-don't h-have any s-saving l-left from th-the l-last job!

Sach: Maybe you could borrow money from Louie.

Danny: I c-couldn't d-do th-that.

Sach: Why not? We do it all the time!

Danny: I j-just c-can't.

Sach: Aw, come on! We'll help you. You're our friend! And what about Kathy? She loves you!

Danny: K-Kathy...

Sach: Yeah! Your girl. She's crazy about you, man.

Danny: I c-couldn't even p-pay f-for a d-date!

Slip: *Mutters to Louie* You got a paper bag handy, Louie? I think Dan's gonna need it real soon.

Sach: So don't pay for a date! Take her for a walk! Feed the pigeons in Central Park!

Louie: (Turns to Slip) What if they had a date here? On the house?

Slip: *Nods* That's a great idea, Louie.

Louie: We could all serve them. Danny wouldn't have to pay a cent.

Slip: Yer a good man, Louis.

Louie: Thank you. It's the least I - or all of us - can do for that poor man.

Louie: (He goes over to the table where Danny and Sach are) Boys, Slip and I just had the most wonderful idea. Why doesn't Danny have a date with Kathy here? On the house.

Danny: *His eyes widen* R-really? Y-you'd d-do th-that f-for m-me?

Louie: Sure! We all want to help cheer you up. It's not good for you to stay like this.

Sach: We'll all help!

Danny: Aw, g-guys. I d-dunno wh-what to s-say.

Sach: Say you'll go call Kathy and arrange everythin'!

Danny: B-but I c-can't c-call h-her l-like th-this!

Slip: She's workin' tonight. It'll be a nice surprise for her.

Louie: Yeah! We ain't never busy on Wednesday nights, anyway.

Sach: What do ya say, Danny ol' pal?

Danny: *Nods* I s-say y-yes, b-but f-first I th-think I'm g-gonna p-pass out...

Sach: I'll hold ya! (Grabs Danny)

*Danny does pass out.*