(We open in a small conference room near the lounge. Sheila and Captain Fielder duck into the room.)

Sheila: Couldn't you have discussed this another time?

Captain Fielder: Around those snoops at the table? No thank you. Zelda's keeping them occupied.

(Little does the Captain know, she's only keeping one occupied. The camera moves outside the room...where Butch and Chuck listen with ears pressed to the door.)

Butch: Do you hear anything?

Chuck: Faintly, but I can't quite make out the words. There's gotta be a way to get closer...

Butch: I guess going in there and asking them what they're saying is out.

Chuck: I'm not THAT desperate.

Butch: Shh! I think they're talking again!

Captain Fielder: (As we cut to inside) Sheila, look. We can't start that hotel on that land tomorrow. It has to be cleared! There's already a few smaller hotels and homes on those lots, and others are protected land.

Sheila: So I pull a few strings and get them unprotected. We'll buy out the hotels and replace the homes. Do you know what kind of business a resort hotel would do on that spot? Para Gaia Island would be the toast of the Carribean!

Captain Fielder: A lot of people are going to protest this.

Sheila: Oh, forget people. I'll be creating jobs! I'll be adding at least a thousand more rooms, more swimming pools, maybe even a real mall. Lord only knows that sand spit could use some decent shopping.

Captain Fielder: (Puts up a hand) Sheila, I understand. I'd love a few more marinas myself. I'm just warning you that you're going to have a ton of opposition.

Sheila: (Cuddles up to him) But not from you. (She pulls his face to hers.)

You know your place.

(The camera cuts back to Butch and Chuck, both of whom have their ears plastered to the door.)

Butch: (Makes a face) I thought I heard something about hotels...

(Suddenly, the door opens and the Captain stumbles out. He has lipstick on his cheek and looks dazed. He's so dazed, he walks into a door before he manages to get into the hall.)

Sheila: (As Chuck and Butch turn around and try to look like they're not paying attention) Good boy. Come on. Let's go back to the lounge. We can discuss this with Zelda when those three silly boys return to their act.

Captain: Uh-huh. (He stumbles down the hallway after her.)

Butch: (Raises an eyebrow) What was that all about?

Chuck: I have no idea.

Butch: Maybe we ought to go back to the lounge and rescue Danny? (Grins) And you can keep an eye on them while we do our act. We'll join you when we take our next break.

Chuck: *nods* Let’s go.

(Cut back to the lounge. Danny is on the floor on the other side of the lounge from the table and Zelda is about to reach for him again when Sheila and Captain Fielder arrive. Sheila puts her hands on her hips and looks down.)

Sheila: Mr. Kaminsky, that can't be a comfortable place to have a drink.

Captain Fielder: (Looks down; blinks) What's he doing down there? (Looks around) Where am I?

Danny: *Small voice* I'm f-fine d-down h-here.

Butch: Danny! There you are! (He and Chuck help him to his feet) Ready to do our act?

Danny: *Nods, perhaps too eagerly* Yes! I've never been so ready!

Butch: (Puts an arm around Danny's shoulders) Come on. (Whispers to him) We're safe while we're performing. Maybe Zelda will be gone by the time we're finished.

(Sheila takes Zelda's arm and makes a face.)

Sheila: Zelda, what were you doing?

Zelda: *Shrugs* He was trying to get away from me.

Sheila: What have I told you about seeming too eager? You just frighten them away.

Zelda: *Lower voice* But I'm not being as eager! He's just so nervous!

Sheila: Well goodness, I wonder why? Could it be because you're jumping in his lap? He's not the type who'll want to leap before he looks.

Zelda: That IS taking it slow for me!

Sheila: Perhaps it's time you changed your tactics. Look at how well I'm doing with our Captain.

Zelda: I just don't know what to do.

Sheila: Watch me. I know how to handle these men.

Zelda: Okay.

(The two return to their table. The Captain sips his drink. Chuck pulls up a chair between the Captain and Sheila.)

Sheila: Hello, Mr. Mahoney. My, you're social tonight.

Captain Fielder: So, what do you do when you're on dry land, Mahoney?

Chuck: I'm a reporter, sir.

Captain Fielder: (Grins as he sips his drink) Written anything really gruesome lately?

Sheila: Oh, come now. I'm sure Mr. Mahoney has never written anything of the sort. (Smiles at him)

Chuck: No, nothing "gruesome."

Sheila: Actually, Mr. Mahoney usually writes about his group's exploits. I did so enjoy hearing about how you, your brother, Jones, and your friend Williams cracked the fur-theft ring. And the time you were hurt while undercover! That was just a fantastic piece of work!

Chuck: You really thought so?

Sheila: Very much. It must have taken a lot of courage to accept that undercover assignment.

Chuck: I don't know about that...

Sheila: Don't be so modest! (She leans over him, getting close) You're a very smart man.

Chuck: *Eyes widen a little* Well, I won't argue that.

Sheila: You're also a very handsome man. Certainly better-looking than that gorilla of a brother of yours.

Chuck: *Laughs* I definitely won't argue that.

Sheila: (She leans further against him; Captain Fielder makes a face) Perhaps you and I could go to my bedroom after we finish our drinks...

Chuck: *Frowns* I was waiting for that.

Sheila: Waiting for what?

Chuck: I'm not going anywhere with you.

Sheila: Why not?

Chuck: Because I know what you're trying to do. It won't work.

Sheila: What am I trying to do?

Chuck: Never mind. I need to get going...

Sheila: You're making a very big mistake, Mahoney.

Chuck: We'll see about that.

*Chuck leaves the table, shaking his head.*

Sheila: (Narrows her eyes; turns to Captain Fielder) We can't let him leave. He knows too much. I know he and that little friend of his must have been listening. We can't question his friend without someone onboard suspecting, but Mahoney...

Captain Fielder: I'll send some of my boys after him.

Butch: (Looks up to Danny over his piano as Captain Fielder nods and several men leave the bar) What's that all about? I think Sheila's trying for Chuck? I always thought he wasn't her type!

Danny: *Shrugs* I don't know, but she was seeming pretty chummy for a while there.

Butch: I wish we could go after him, but we can't leave the lounge now. We'll look for him later.

Danny: I'll try to keep an eye on him while I sing.

(Cut to the hallway. Chuck is walking down the hall when he hears what sounds like shuffling footsteps. He looks up...and a hand reaches out and yanks him into another room!)

(Cut to the room. A large man holds a hand over his mouth. Two more hold rope and a large flour sack.)

Man #1: Is this the guy?

Man #2: Yeah. It's the one who just left the lounge. The one who was askin' questions. We've gotta keep him on ice.

Man #3: (As they shove Chuck's legs into the sack and wind the rope around his arms) He sure wriggles!

*Chuck struggles with all he can and mumbles loudly into the large man's hand over his mouth.*

Man #1: He's loud, too! (He winds a handkerchief in Chuck's mouth)

*Chuck tries to mumble as loud as he can into the handkerchief.*

Man #2: Come on, boys. Let's get him outta here. We've gotta stash him somewhere good. (They throw Chuck into what looks like a laundry basket. When they come out, they're all dressed as stewards pushing a laundry basket down the hall. We fade out as they turn right and disappear.)