Chuck: *Smirks* Not so spunky now, are you?

(Butch just growls and lets out a snarl. He tries to kick, but Chuck is tying his ankles.)

Chuck: *Chuckles* So you can't kick, huh?

(Butch struggles, but Sheila takes his shoulders.)

Sheila: You now have the power to control whomever you wish, my child of darkness.

(Butch growls, shaking his head.)

*Chuck smirks at him.*

Chuck: *Reveals that he too is wearing a necklace; takes it off and swings it in front of Butch's face* Just watch the pendant...

(Butch shakes his head, but Sheila holds it so he's looking right at the pendant.)

Chuck: Look at it. Follow it! Let yourself get lost in it.

(Butch gulps, but he does as told, his eyes following the pendant. Sheila strokes his plump cheeks and temples lightly, making sure his eyes remain trained on the pendant. His eyes are becoming increasingly swallowed in black.)

Chuck: You will do as told. You are to follow whatever we tell you.

(Butch can just barely nod under Sheila's hands.)

Sheila: I believe he's ready now, my child of darkness. He is yours.

Chuck: Thank you.

Sheila: (She takes a silk cord from the trunks) Would you like to keep your new slave with you?

Chuck: I would.

Sheila: (She loops the rope loosely around Butch's neck, then gives the other end to Chuck) Here you go, child of darkness. Your very own slave.

Chuck: How wonderful.

Sheila: I'm going to untie him, so you can play with him. Shall we remove the gag, too?

Chuck: Yes. He will behave now.

(Sheila removes the silk cord and gag. Butch just stares blankly ahead.)

Chuck: First rule, you are not to speak unless told to. Second, you will do only what we tell you.

(Butch nods.)

Sheila: I do love obediant pets.

Chuck: So do I.

Sheila: Shall we make him a ghost or a ghoul or a werewolf? Or you could have him for games. You could make him dance for you or bow to you. He can look like whatever you want. >:)

Sheila: He can look as monstrous as you'd like. Frighten that little secretary of his. >:)

(Butch only nods.)

*Chuck rubs his chin, considering his options.*

(Sheila whispers in Butch's ear. He drops to his knees before Chuck.)

Butch: (Low whisper) Master.

Chuck: I am indeed.

Sheila: (She pulls out strands of what looks like spider webbing) This little spider thinks we could have fun with this pet. (She runs the webbing around his eyes.) Now, he must follow the sound of our voices.

(Sheila strokes Butch's hair, scratching him on the ears like a dog.)

Chuck: *smirks* I do like the way you think.

Sheila: (She runs her "webbing" over his hands) You're helpless now, little musician. Or should we call you little monster?

(Butch nods vacantly again.She runs the webbing around his hands until they are covered in it and bound together.)

*Chuck watches, eyes glinting evilly.*

Butch: (He lowers his head before Chuck) Master.

Chuck: Yes.

Sheila: Would you like your new pet to follow you, like a ghost? Or do you want him to be a tame puppy?

Chuck: I, well...I don't know...

Sheila: (Whispers into Chuck's ear) He's merely a pet. I can give you makeup and scissors to cover him. He can move through the halls behind you like a tame dog, quiet and obedient.

Chuck: *Nods* Yes...

Sheila: Tell your pet he can speak...but only as a pet. He can only speak as a dog would.

Chuck: *Turns to Butch* You may speak as a dog would.

(Butch nods, whimpering like a dog.)

*Chuck scratches behind Butch's ear.*

(Butch leans into the scratch, panting.)

Sheila: Now, bring him to the mirror, and we'll begin to cover our pretty pet.

Chuck: Follow me, pet. *tugs on the leash and brings Butch over to the mirror*

(Butch does so. Sheila seats him in front of the mirror.)

Sheila: You saw how we transformed the girls. (She smirks) You may now transform your pet as well.

(Butch lets out a small howl.)

*Chuck opens a kit and starts going to work.*

(Fade out as Chuck smears brown makeup across Butch's cheek. Fade in on Jane, Slip, and Sach wandering back into the lobby. Sach groans.)

Sach: Chiefy, we ain't never gonna find nobody!

Slip: Knock it off, Sach.

Sach: Have you seen anybody, Chiefy? Janey?

Slip: Nope.

Jane: *She has her arms wrapped around herself* I don't see anyone.

Sach: (His eyes widen as something white and gossamer emerges from the double doors)

Jane: GHOST! *points at it*

Slip: What ghost? *turns toward it*

(The ghost wanders into the room again, gliding as if it's on air. The camera pulls in for a good shot of her, revealing that yes, she is Sally in pale makeup and a loose, lacy gown.)

Slip: *Gasps* Sally!

Sach: (As she glides past them) Sally, what's wrong? (Grabs her shoulders) Speak to us!

(Sally just stares straight through him.)

Slip: *Takes Sally's arm, the puts his free hand to her cheek* Sally, say something...

(But Sally just continues to stare blankly at him.)

Sach: Oh, poor Sally, they took her voice, so she can't talk no more!

*Slip kisses her long and tenderly.*

(Sally's eyes slowly clear. She gently puts her arms around Slip's shoulders and pulls him into the kiss.)

Sach: (His eyes widen) Chiefy, you freed her! You kissed 'er awake, like "Snow White" n' "Sleepin' Beauty!"

Sally: (Blinks) Slip?

Slip: *Smiles faintly* Welcome back, Sal.

Sally: (Looks around) How did I get here?

Slip: Long story short, you were turned into som'en like a ghost an' we're still lookin' fer Rachel, who's in the same boat, an' Chuck, who's doin' a bad impersonation of a vampire.

Sally: (Frowns) I don't really remember much. I remember hands grabbin' me and dragging me to some room, and there were Sheila... (narrows her eyes) and Zelda, and they had Chuck and Rachel. That's the last thing I know before they pulled out the old hypnotizing gag.

Slip: *Sighs* Figgers. We still gotta find Rachel again, and Chuck took Butch away.

Sally: Butch? But why? Chuck's his best friend!

Sach: Probably 'cause those bad ladies said to.

Slip: *Nods* He's been hypnotized, too. We'd almost broken him outta it, but he fell right back into it when he an' Rachel kissed.

Sally: Probably because she was still under their spell.

Sach: We've gotta find those guys an' get them un-hexed!

Sally: (Looks at herself, turning around) I wonder if they'd let me keep this dress after we get outta here? I actually like this "gossamer ghost" costume better than the Little Red Riding Hood one.

Slip: *Nods* You do look great.

*That's when Chuck appears, leading Butch on the "leash."*

Slip: *Eyes narrow* Chuck.

Sally: Chuck, snap out of it!

Sach: (The person on the leash wears a heavy dark wool cloak that covers most of his body) What'cha leadin' around?

Sally: That's Butch, isn't it? That's what you did with him.

Chuck: My pet.

Sach: Butchy ain't no pet!

Slip: An' that's definitely Butch.

Chuck: *Smirks* Speak, pet.

(Butch lets out a howl.)

Sach: That ain't speakin'! That's dog talk!

Chuck: That's all he's allowed to say.

Slip: *Growls* Why you...

Sally: (Sees how upset Jane is) Let him go!

Chuck: No.

Slip: *Steps up to Chuck* You free him NOW!

Chuck: No.

Sally: (Whispers to Jane) See if you can get to him to kiss 'im.

*Jane nods and moves towards him.*

Slip: I will punch you, Chuck. *holds up a fist*

Chuck: I'm not scared of you. I'm in charge.

Slip: *Folds his arms* Are you?

Sach: The Chief's in charge, Chuckie!

Sally: And I'm in charge of the women.

Chuck: They told me I am.

Sally: Who, those bitches?

*Jane has made her way to Butch and starts kissing him.*

Chuck: *Sees Jane kissing Butch* Not so fast! *tugs Butch's "leash and pulls him away from her*

Sally: You little... (She lunges for Chuck)

*Chuck manages to stop her and cast her off. She stumbles backwards into Slip.*

Sach: Chuckie, why are you doing this?

Chuck: Because I can.

Slip: That's it. I've had it with you!

Chuck: Come any closer, and my pet gets it.

Sally: (Sees the look of horror on Jane's face) What?

Sach: You wouldn't hurt Butchy! He's your pal!

Chuck: So tempt me.

Slip: Shit...

Sally: Chuck, have you gone mad? (Takes Jane's shoulders) Look at what you're doing to my roommate!

*Jane sobs and turns to cry on Sally's shoulder.*

Chuck: *Shrugs* So?

Sally: How could you say that?

Sach: Let him go, Chuckie! This isn't you!

Slip: Let him go, Chuck, and we'll let you go.

(Butch lets out a howl and tries to go to the pretty human who kissed him.)

Chuck: I don't want to go. *tugs on the leash* Bad boy!

(But Butch continues to pull at the silk cord, howling for Jane.)

Chuck: *Yanks harder on the cord* Bad!

Slip: Quit pullin' on him!

Sally: You're gonna hurt him!

Sach: (He goes to Chuck and says gently) Chuckie...please. Listen to your old buddy Sach. This isn't you.

*Chuck shoves Sach away from him, then yanks on Butch's cord again.*

(Butch howls angrily, trying to break the cord.)

*Chuck hits Butch on the side of the head.*

Slip: Chuck!

Sach: Chuckie, don't hurt him!

(Butch whines.)

*Chuck just laughs mirthlessly and hits Butch again.*

Slip: Dammit! *grabs Chuck bodily and spins him around*

Sally: Don't you dare touch him again. (She holds Jane closer)

Slip: *Growls in Chuck's face* You even THINK about touchin' him again, an' I'm fergettin' yer my brother an' make ya part of the ground.

*Chuck laughs again.*

Sally: And I'll actually do it. I'm not related to you yet.

*Chuck abruptly spins and hits Butch again.*

(Sally finally hands Jane over to Sach and hits Chuck right in the face.)

*Chuck staggers back, reeling.*

Slip: Nice hit, Sal.

Sally: Thanks. (Grins at Slip) I learned from the master.

Slip: It's nutin'.

*Chuck eyes them from the wall he staggered into.*

Sally: You want to challenge someone? Challenge me.

*Chuck straightens and walks toward Sally.*

Slip: *Backs off* This'll be interestin'.

Sally: Touch me, Mahoney, and I'll knock those false teeth right out.

*Chuck steps right up to Sally and kisses her!*

Slip: You little shit!

(Sally gives Chuck as hard of a slap across the face as she can manage.)

Sally: Try that again, and you won't have lips left to kiss with.

*The slap turns Chuck's head. He slowly turns back to her, grinning. He grabs her and kisses her again hard.*

Sally: (She shoves him away) You have a girlfriend, and I ain't her! Get away from me, before I knock your block off!

*But Chuck just goes to her again and kisses her.*

Slip: *Growls* CHUCK!

Sally: (Pushes him away) Chuck, no! This isn't right! This isn't you! Where's Rachel?

Chuck: *Comes up to her again, with a wild look in his eyes* She's not here... *grabs Sally and kisses her again!*

Slip: I'm gonna knock his block off...

Sally: (She pushes at him as hard as she can) Chuck, I'm not in love with you!

Chuck: And I'm not with you. I just want to see how many times I have to do this before you really hit me.

(Sally leans back and hits him as hard as she can.)

Sally: Will that do?

Chuck: *Dazed* Uh huh... *crumbles to the floor*

Slip: Damn.